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LF Divided Kingdoms PW owners!.

Hello, so posting again i want to buy this PW module unless you have plans to bring it out again, offering a reasonable if not crazy sum of money for it, if anyone knows a way for me to contact the owners please reply, no PW can even come close tho this one, and its so great that im going to be offering money for it, if i was to pay i expect all rights to that Module and PW status of it.


  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    they was hit by a spam bot and closed that server down back some years ago, but im not joking i want this module.
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    if all else fails i will just want to become a partner owner of it and i will solely fund its revival.
  • MatTrekerMatTreker Member Posts: 1
    Well here's a ghost from the past ! I remember Divided Kingdoms all though not as well as an old friend of mine ,Tashsha. As I remember she DM'ed that world for a while. I played for about a year on and off torward the end. Last I heard she tryed sending an email to Techoswiss for the mod ,but got no reply.
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    its back up ^.^, i been grinding abit crazy.
  • Screw_AttackScrew_Attack Member Posts: 1
    It is up, listed under "Divided Kingdoms". It's using NWSync for CEP content. Some new players as well as ghosts from the past are playing. Hope to see you!
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