Translators and Moderators needed!

We are currently seeking volunteer translators for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition new releases and moderators for the sub forums. If interested, please send a message to @CameronTofer with your e-mail address and what you are interested in doing. If there is no category for your language, we can add it.
Post edited by CameronTofer on
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What i hate most is voiced translations, that normally fuck the climate.
By the way, there's a lot of translations out for the old games, if the original content is not going to be changed is a little pointless ask for translators now, as you can even take 3 or 4 modded translates for each language and compare them. I believe the translators are only needed for the extra content that will be add in the EE, no?
By the way, im confused; Baldur's gate 1, 2 and the expansions were translated into many languages so if the new team asked for help to translate the extra content... that's why there will be so much extra content, right?
Again, my english is not wonderful.
Still I mentioned it because I would like to contribute more and are available for various contributions, wherever there is still need for it.
I will apply.
Inbal natha bwael tangi!
They already have someone that's been translating the news at least.
This is the best RPG I ever played. Love BG!!!
I am a native english speaker (mother) and also spanish (father). Currently living in Spain, could put in some hours in the afternoons and weekends.
I know someone else has already offered but I could help with spanish translations or sub forums, or whatever you may need. I think it would be awesome to be of some help for you guys, especially if we can cook this any sooner! Just cannot wait to get my hands on BGEE!
I know baldurs gate 1 and 2 like the back of my hand and have completed them each 3 times. If you are interested in someone for a moderator position or something else, I'd really like to do that as the more experience I can gain, the better. My name is Dave and if you are interested my email address is-