Need help with The Grey Clan

in BG:EE Mods
Hi, playing with dark side, dark horizons, tgc1, drizzt saga , ntsc mods. Just started the grey clan part and I'm at the part where Jusam tells you about a house with bandits near the silvershield estate. Bandits on the first floor then the fight upstairs. Everybody is there except the injured woman spy which I need to heal according to Jusam. Saw a youtube video of someone playing this mod and I see where the "injured woman" is supposed to be. Looked up the creature code BW05FFAP and tried to clua her in but only shows for a split second and then disappears. I can make other creatures appear but don't know enough about global variables or anything else that we keep her from not disappearing. Any help / guidance / suggestions ? Or any variables I can change to move plot along?