Can someone help me migrate files from NWN:EE Android To Windows?
Hey all! Basic question here. I have 300+ modules and all installed on NWN:EE for Android, and I was wondering if someone could give me the "for dummies" on which folders and files I'll need to transfer from there to the Windows version in order for all of the modules to work? Please let me know which folders are necessary and which I SHOULD NOT move! Thanks! - flu
Make a USB connection from Android to Windows. Pull down the menu on Android to select Transfer Files.
You need to transfer the subfolders in Android > Data > com.beamdog.nwnandroid > files > user to (Documents) > Neverwinter Nights.
Don't transfer the files which are not in subfolders - .ini .secret .tml - because you don't want to overwrite your Windows game configuration with info from another device. Tweak those settings for Windows in game.
Obviously, if you have any module files on Windows already, you'll need to be selective about over-writing.
I've done this successfully for most subfolders. I haven't had a reason to copy cache, database, nwsync or servervault, but copying them can't do any harm.
Failing that, chances are that those files are in \override, so you could empty that folder, then reinstall the mods you actually want there.
EDIT - Nevermind, figured it out! Beamdog u bloody geniuses, it works!! HAHA! Soooo happy to have my saves and characters from the hundreds of hours I have on the Android version! U guys rock!!