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(minor spoilers) Difficulty increased?

Can anyone tell me if this is normal:

Decided to fight Silke in Beregost - she opened with Lightning Bolt, and when injured flees into the nearby inn. My friend thinks this is rather more brutal than in the original game.
Also, we managed to run face first into a basilisk, when the area supposedly should've been full of statues implying "Turn back or be petrified!".

Has anyone else experienced a rise in difficulty, or are these things the same as they've always been?


  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    I always thought there were multiple Basilisks around in that area. I remember my very fist playthrough of BG back in 99. Silke roasted my whole party with lightning bolt. So yea I would say it's the same. LOL that was the first time I died.
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    The silke fight was always crazy hard, one time in tutu during a no-reload run, she casted a lightning bolt that killed Xzar,,Imon, Kallid, Jahaira AND herself.......

    So yeah Silke was always stupidly tough.
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2012
    Both of the situations you describe sound exactly the same as the original, in my experience. The area full of bassilisks only has statues in part of the map. You could easily waltz into the midst of them with no warning if you don't know which area you're in.

    And Silke has always launched lightning bolts, and has always tried to flee to the inn if she gets low enough on health without dying. Or rather, she'd try to flee from your party, so the inn is the closest exit. Not like a script to specifically retreat to that inn.
  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    I think Silke would make an awesome join-able evil character for the party.
  • cory5694cory5694 Member Posts: 23
    I ran into a random vampire wolf in one if the first areas and died that never happened before haha
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    Mate I'm playing on insane difficulty and Silke one-shots me with lightning? Do I think it's cruel and brutal? Maybe, but that's what I signed up for. I killed her after the reload without her managing to cast anything.
  • Corvus_MetusCorvus_Metus Member Posts: 19
    The only part of the game that seemed a lot harder than before was the three named hobgoblins on one of the maps - I remember pretty much always steam-rolling my way through them without much of an issue.

    This time, they pretty much shot all my party with poisoned arrows, and then tended to do 7-10 damage a hit, killing my group quickly.

    I also forgot just how damn useful that the sleep spell is in BGI
  • quairlzrquairlzr Member Posts: 5
    Heh, our mistake apparently. Since it's my first time playing, I keep being surprised by the "suddenly you get mass murdered on random quests" thing, but I'm sure I'll learn.
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