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x0_i0_spells - DoPetrification: Changes not working as intended

I have added some SendMessageToPC lines in this script in the DoPetrification part and when testing I get petrified buy a creatures gaze or touch ability and I do not see any messages.

I compile the include, then I compile a spell script with the include listed and then I build the module with no errors.

Is there an issue with making changes to this file?

I have found 4 spell scripts that have DoPetrification and they all have #include x0_i0_spells but my changes to the include never work. A solution I have done in the past was make a wrapper for each spell in each script. That worked as intended but I would like to understand why this include is not working when I make changes to it.


  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    I have SendMessageToPC lines in mine and they work.

    What object are you directing your messages to?
    SendMessageToPC(object oPlayer, string szMessage)

    You might add a
    void main() {} at the bottom of the include and compile it once to see if any errors occur.
  • 4BOLTMAIN4BOLTMAIN Member Posts: 90
    In a new module:

    I added the void main line after adding PC messages and it compiled... "2/3/2022 9:47:08 PM: 0 Errors. 'x0_i0_spells' compiled successfully"

    I added a floor lever and put an on_used script on it to fire DoPetrification when used. All the tells worked when I used the lever.

    Knowing this, I will continue to work with my module and try to figure out why it isn't working.
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