Creatures Challenge Rating is not staying where I set it.

As the title states, I noticed this 2 weeks ago that nearly all of the creatures in my module, for whatever reason, had the challenge rating changed from where I initially set it. 152 creatures takes a long time to redo. I spent over 6 hours fixing this and now I have noticed it has changed again. First the rating was too high and now the rating is too low.
I do not build Creature CR when building the module so what keep changing it?
EDIT: Other than correcting the challenge rating 2 weeks ago I have not edited anything else on any creatures that would cause this issue. I built the module with Creature CR box checked and will adjust everything again and see what happens.
I do not build Creature CR when building the module so what keep changing it?
EDIT: Other than correcting the challenge rating 2 weeks ago I have not edited anything else on any creatures that would cause this issue. I built the module with Creature CR box checked and will adjust everything again and see what happens.
Post edited by 4BOLTMAIN on
It changed adding new scripts to every locked or trapped object from a multiple day project to a 2 second action. So maybe it took a few hours to refine the script, but that was still less time then doing it by hand.
For your case, with it you can at least use the example script that prints out all the CRs of all your creatures and compare that to your spreadsheet. But from there, it shouldn't be too hard to bump the CRs if it's a linear shift that has happened.
Im not sure whats going on with the toolset but even the backup I made and double checked before saving shows the incorrect values.
I never touched any of those creatures. What I did do was created 4 new npc's for an arena and it seems after creating those creatures the toolset reset all the other creatures in the module.
I am extremely frustrated right now because 157 creatures will have to be edited and changed, then instances updated etc... again!
Whats even more frustrating is that the backup has not been touched since I fixed it last time. When loading it in the toolset today the creatures still show the incorrect values.
If someone could explain to me why this is happening and what I can do to prevent it from happening again that would be awesome... because spending 6 - 8 hours fixing it sucks!
On Feb 02, 2022 I saved a backup module (copy) with the corrected values and I have never touched that file until today. Since then I have made several new items, placeables and scripts to add or make changes to things and the values didn't change during that time. 2 days ago I added 4 new NPC's for the arena for players to test spell damage that I increased. I think adding those NPC's caused the issue. I loaded up that backup module today and I don't understand why the values were not as they were when I saved the file. I was hoping to just copy the creature files from the temp folder in the backup module and replace the ones in my current module.
Last time (in February) I remember adding NPC's to a dungeon run for players to use as a portal... rather than just a regular portal. I have not added any new NPC's or changed any until a few days ago. I think it has something to do with making new creatures.
I am assuming the CR values in game are correct because the creatures that are not spawning from the encounters are the ones with the highest CR shown in the encounter list.
I guess the only thing i can do is create a test module and experiment and see what i can find.
I have never had issues using the up and down arrows to set values in the toolset... then again I never build with the challenge rating box checked.
And the second is the one I had suspected which is the Build Module feature. Both instances where I have pinpointed changed CR values is if I had flagged, either accidentally or by design, the Calculate CR feature. It will redo your manually editted CR values. I know you said you never use it, but I never use it either, and yet on some given day I must had a fancy and checked everything to ferret out any issues, and thus had done it inadvertently.
But since that day way back when, I haven't had any issues, and I only use the Build Module feature for compiling scripts (which isn't an ideal compiler, but it gets all 3500 scripts compiled within about 23 seconds).
I've made some overrides to item stack size and some item property costs for calculating item level restrictions. I would imagine that after that last change, the CR would calculate different on any creatures that had those item properties.
Since I have much less to lose, I should really runs some tests.
Is there another program I can use to edit modules other than the toolset?
The main benefit would be once you have figured out how to make the script, tested it to make sure it's working—it might take you the same amount to time as it would to manually change them. But, if you ever have this problem again, it will take 1 second to fix it.
Would it be more tempting if I wrote the base script for you? Then you'd just have to add all the if statements?
Thanks for your help. I can write a script for this but in cases with encounters a script wont help because the encounter always chooses the lowest cr creatures in the list from the palette.
Right now I would like to figure out why this is happening. Obviously once I figure out why or how this is happening hopefully I can prevent it in the future.
I will keep trying different things in a new module and see if I can duplicate the change. If I do figure it out I will post what I found.
I appreciate everyone's feedback.