No Rasaad in Trademeet. Bug?

Hi. I have BGEE/BG2EE Android version. Recently I started new game (BG/BG2) with kensai/thief and there is no Rasaad in Trademeet (he should be near the fountain). It must be something with recent updates, because I was playing BGEE/BG2EE last summer and he was there. Is it a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for replies.
First, there's the area script; that requires the HasDLC("Rasaad") condition. Which I believe should be set automatically, but someone else had a problem with that. This is for setting up the initial cutscene encounter.
Second, there are spots on the ground along every path toward the fountain. He spawns in if player 1 comes anywhere near any of those, even if you don't have the DLC. This is for spawning him after the cutscene so he can join, though the script should fire even if he never showed up in the first place.