Nalia does not have to be in the party, ever. If she's in your party, she'll talk to you as soon as you leave the keep, giving you the reward XP and the opportunity to take over if you're an appropriate class. If she's not in the party, she should be waiting over at the palisade; go over and talk to her once you've killed TorGal for the reward XP and the opportunity to take over. If she's permanently dead, you're out of luck.
if Nalia is in your party when you finish the de'arnise quest she will give you 10650 GP
if she isn't in your party when you finish the de'arnise quest, she will only give you 650 GP
Guess I missed out on some gold last night then.
It’s alright. Yoshimo picked every Harper’s pocket and took everything not nailed down in their compound.
if Nalia is in your party when you finish the de'arnise quest she will give you 10650 GP
if she isn't in your party when you finish the de'arnise quest, she will only give you 650 GP
haha, nicely done