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HCR Death/corpse System

The Death or corpse system handling a player's death is many times failing to creating the corpse at the correct location (creating it at a previous death loc), or at times failing to create a corpse at all.

I would love to get this remedied, but I have failed at being able to figure out why it happens or how to fix it.

I think I am using HCR 3.4 final

any help or knowledge would be much appreciated


  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    edited February 2022
    I looked at a few of the scripts.
    So, they are storing a local location (SetLocalLocation) onto an object, then saving that object. (Probably SetCampaignObject, I didn't dig that deep.)
    The issues found with Set/GetCampaignLocation are that once enough things change in the module, by working on it in the toolset, the area object stored in the location can point to something else. I'm going to guess that the same issue will happen with
    The best solution I have seen is to change locations so that they're stored like this. (At the end of the thread they find that it wasn't working because they gave an NPC the same tag as the area.)
  • QuilistanQuilistan Member Posts: 187
    Thanks that should get me started in it. I am sure I will be back with more questions.
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