Hate to ask, but I cannot figure out how to install the new CEP 2.67 and the hot fixes.

I couldn't find an install guide, probably overlooked it. I got CEP 2.65 (I think - no idea on where to check the version number).
There's a lot of files on the vault that I don't know what I need. I'd like the latest, most stable version.
I'm building a module, and also need help getting my friend hooked up with the CEP.
There's a lot of files on the vault that I don't know what I need. I'd like the latest, most stable version.
I'm building a module, and also need help getting my friend hooked up with the CEP.
At the time of writing, you need the Full Download of 2.67. Extract the archive. Notice that the subfolders match those in Documents\Neverwinter Nights so you can copy all the files there in one go. Repeat for Hotfix 3, allowing its files to overwrite.
For builders only - drill down into the docs subfolder until you find 2.67. There you will find the hak order that you need in your module. It's much the same as 2.65 but with a couple of new optional haks which you may choose to add.
Steam players can simply subscribe here:
but Steam Workshop can be flakey & definitely not recommended for builders.
If you have previously used the CEP, make backup copies of your cep2_build.hak and cep2_custom.hak files before installing, and do not copy over your old version of the files! The versions of these haks included in this download are empty, and overwriting your versions of these files will erase any work you put into them.
I overlooked this & copied those over. I made a backup of my module and didn't change anything in that. Did I lose my module?
They have to be in the CEP2 download, for compatibility with existing modules.
Normally, builders shouldn't use them. A uniquely-named top hak is the safer, more reliable way of adding custom content to CEP2.
Optionally, as explained in the info file for each of those haks, they can be used by PW builders to store files that players don't need. The empty files are for players. If the builder chooses to do this, they need to ensure their copy is backed up and / or protected from being overwritten.
If you've backed up your module, you haven't lost the .mod file.
However, you may have lost your copy of cep2_build.hak and cep2_custom.hak. Do you really not have a backup at all?
The module simply contains a list of the haks it requires (Module Properties > Custom Content).
You should still be able to open the module, even if you overwrote all the haks, because files of that name will still exist in the hak folder. Everything you can put in a module using the toolset will still be there. However, if the module refers to content that you placed in cep2_build.hak or cep2_custom.hak, it will now be missing - for example, any models will be invisible.
The question is, do you have a backup of your version of cep2_build.hak and cep2_custom.hak? If you do, simply overwrite the 2.67 files with the backup. If not, you'll have to reload those haks (using nwhak) from whatever source you used in the first place.
The copies of those haks, I believe, is from the CEP2 2.60 or 2.65. Please help guide me with this.
Again, I apologize and thanks for the help.
I suspect there's no problem here. If you don't know what nwhak is, I very much doubt whether you put any work of your own into cep2_build.hak or cep2_custom.hak.
Those files have always been empty in past releases of CEP2, so overwriting them with new empty files does no harm unless you put something in them.
Nothing you create and save in the toolset will be lost from your module. The toolset does not change the content of hak files.
Now I'm trying to figure out if I need to install 2.66 before 2.67 ?? I'm currently running 2.65.
You don't need 2.65 or 2.66. Do the above and all will be well.