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Can't revive a character!

one of my characters died, i did already revive one in a temple, but for some reason i do not get the option to raise him.. can it be due to my poor reputation? (4 IIRC)


  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    Can you still see the portrait?
  • ElofElof Member Posts: 42
    If the character died in a shower of gore and chunky bits, then no amount of magic can save them.
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    edited November 2012
    As the two posters above me stated, there is dying, and then there is being "chunked." There are certain ways your character can die that result in them being permanently dead. The most prominent way is when they are hit so hard that they go -10 in hitpoints. This causes them to be blow up into chunks and since their body is destroyed there is no raising them.

    This can also happen if they are turned to stone and then hit, frozen and then hit, or somebody casts disintegrate on them. There are probably a few I am forgetting, but the point is you cannot get them back without reloading.
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    the character's portrait is still there, this is why i'm wondering what's up... in the temple options there's "revive" but it's redded... should i ditch the guy when i have the chance?
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    Stupid question, but do you have enough money to revive him?
    I was thinking that could be the problem... :)
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Hahaha I bet he's broke... that'd be hilarious.
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    i had about 2000gold and IIRC he's a lv1 fighter :P
  • MoiraMoira Member Posts: 173
    Did you select the dead guy when you're looking at the cure screen? Only those cures that are applicable to whichever char is selected are usable.
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    it doesn't allow me to select him. on the temple screen his portrait does not appear while it does in city and battle...
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    Do you have his carcass with you?
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    it auto brings it along, correct?
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    You have to carry it. They weigh quite a bit.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Konabuga said:

    You have to carry it. They weigh quite a bit.

    No, it's not. There is no "carcass" item for party members.
  • waardeniuswaardenius Member Posts: 58
    If I recall correctly there were rare instances in vanilla BG - or possibly BG2, I can't remember - where the permanent death of a companion didn't cause his portrait to disappear as intended.

    If this is what has carried over into BGEE, then your Khalid is indeed permanently gone.
  • HoratioHoratio Member Posts: 18
    Is it an elf? Elves can only be resurrected by the spell resurrect not raise dead.
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    Usually when the portrait remains but they can't be raised it shows a -10 for hp IIRC - if it doesn't show on the portrait it should show their current hp on the character screen when you choose them.

    I don't recall now if BG required picking up dead companions body - I know IWD did.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Really? That seems like a bug me to. If the portrait is still there, you should be able to raise him.
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    i'll experiement a lil more to see if i can raise him, else i'll dump the body in a river (currently playing evil lol)
  • azidahakaazidahaka Member Posts: 19
    all in all it was just a bug! i restarted the game loaded it and this time the portrait was in the temple... 100gp and all is done.

    very weird bug!
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