Casting a "real" spells from a placeable ?

I'm trying to get a placeable to cast a real spell at a player at a *specific* caster levels.
The placeable can cast with ActionCastSpellAtObject using 'bCheat' flag to TRUE, but it defaults to level 10 caster levels, even if nDomainLevel is set higher.
NWNX_Creature_DoItemCastSpell also doesn't work with placeables, but works with creatures and has correct level.
I tried making a fake "invisible" creature and having them cast it. It casts the spell properly, but the problems with this approach:
1) I can see the fake caster. I've tried using both `EffectEthereal` and `EffectSanctuary`, and VFX_DUR_CUTSCENE_INVISIBILITY, but effects are removed once invisible creature casts fake spell (even if I reapply). AOE spells can also "reveal" the invisible caster.
2) The location from were the spell is launched is off. Since even with `EffectCutsceneGhost` a creature can't occupy same place as the placeable.
Lastly, I've tried re-writing the spell to mimic the same effect. This sort of works since I can customize the caster level; but then the function `MyResistSpell(oCaster, oTarget, 1.0f)` doesn't work from my fake spell code. Presumably, because oCaster doesn't have real caster levels or stats since it's a placeable ? Or because it doesn't have a spell id? I'm not sure how to troubleshoot MyResistSpell.
Basically I want a chair to cast a level N fireball. Were N is level 1 - 40. I want that fireball spell to respect spell resistances (SR, mantles, spell immunity, etc).
Suggestions ?
Sorry, I've heard people request similar things and it came to the conclusion that there's not the appearance they want. I got excited because you mentioned one of the few that does exist: