CEP 2 - Tileset Clean Up - for Builders

The Community Expansion Pack offers over 6,000 custom tiles (amongst many other things).
On the whole, this works well, but there are minor snags.
In a recent poll, CEP 2 builders identified Tileset Clean Up as a high priority.
This has been the team's main focus.
The complete package of over 300 tileset fixes is now available for builder evaluation : CEP 2.67 Tileset Patch - Beta.
Please read the description carefully before proceeding!
On the whole, this works well, but there are minor snags.
In a recent poll, CEP 2 builders identified Tileset Clean Up as a high priority.
This has been the team's main focus.
The complete package of over 300 tileset fixes is now available for builder evaluation : CEP 2.67 Tileset Patch - Beta.
Please read the description carefully before proceeding!
- CODI Sigil doors for CEP City Exterior and City Interior 1
- New doors by Mmat for CEP Forest and Swamp
See change log for details.This will have little or no impact on any testing you may have already done.
No further changes are planned (except bug fixes, if required).