Add bonus Feat

I'm having problems getting the ipAward to stick to the PC??? I'm attempting to add (Extra Turning).
Does anyone see anything amiss in my code?
Does anyone see anything amiss in my code?
]// "The Excommunication Tail" object oUsed13 = GetItemActivated(); if (GetTag(oUsed13) == "EXCOMMUNICATION") { object oPC = GetItemActivator(); object oSkin = SKIN_SupportGetSkin(oPC); itemproperty ipAward = ItemPropertyBonusFeat(IP_CONST_FEAT_EXTRA_TURNING); AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ipAward, oSkin);
I had a question about trying to add feats from the Purple Dragon Knights to fighter a little while ago. I can't tell exactly if the problem is the same, so this might be helpful.
It boiled down to this:
If you want to add a feat as an item property it has to have an entry in iprp_feats.2da - which Extra Turning does.
To get the feat to show up on the radial menu to use required the feat have an entry in CLS_FEAT_FIGHT.2da. (I realize ExtraTurning doesn't need a radial option)
The only classes who can probably take Extra Turning as a feat are Paladins, Blackguards and Clerics (and therefore the only classes who have Extra Turning listed on their CLS_FEAT_XYZ.2da by default). So, if you are trying to add to a character without any of those classes it might not stick/show up.
So if Extra Turning does not show up the reason must be elsewhere: oSkin is invalid, tag is wrong, script is not called, ...