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Can you .tbg files from the 2000's in current versions of BG2:EE?

I made a shit load of item modifications some with complete changes in code behavior when I was running Baldur's gate 2. My question is can those files be reused? Or do I really need to start from scratch again for BG2:EE? And is so how? .TBG files are all out date based on modern tools. I have BG2:TOB installtion running with my old changes. But it was based of Gog's straight BG2:TOB installation platform which can still be gotten over Torrent. So there is the heart of my question can old adaptations made by some of the oldest of us still looking at the community still use the adaptions they made 20 years ago when Team BG was still new?


  • Dathar12Dathar12 Member Posts: 2
    At one time I was a developer for multiple projects. But now I am just trying to renter the BG community and see what is usable and what is not. No arguments, no contentions, no problems, I just want to know where I am going. That's it. Thanks.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    I'm pretty sure DLTCEP can still extract TBG files.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    Wow--I haven't used DLTCEP in....a very long time. I don't remember the last time I used it.
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