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XP or Level Sesitive Quests?

kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
Which quests (if any) are sensitive to the parties XP and/or levels. In other words which quests get harder when you come back with a more experienced party. I seem to remember someone saying if you do the Windspear Hills Dungeon after coming back from Brynlaw & the Underdark you meet much more powerful golems. Is this true, and are there any other quests that get harder with increased XP?

My reason for asking is that this time round I want to play Yoshi then Imoen, and I'd like to give Immy some more XP if possible.

Apologies for a repeat query - I think I have seen this answered before, but I can't track it down with any searches.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Most dungeons in BG2 have at least some monster spawns that scale, usually with player 1's XP. They're generally not the main plot fights, but they're present. This includes all of the stronghold quests.

    Cult of the Eyeless: A pack of beholders each in the temple and lair areas, scaling with player 1's XP. A pack of undead in their hut (up to a lich at highest level), scaling with player 1's XP. A pack of beholders in the sewers if you first go there in chapter 6.
    Planar Sphere: A pack of golems in the main area and two packs in the engine room, scaling with player 1's XP.
    Mekrath's lair: A pack of generic monsters (salamanders, umber hulks, yuan-ti) that scale with player 1's XP.
    Planar Prison: Two packs of generic monsters (salamanders, umber hulks, yuan-ti) that scale with player 1's XP.
    Windspear Hills: Two packs of golems, one pack of vampires, and one pack of wolfweres in the main dungeon area, all scaling with player 1's XP.
    De'Arnise Keep: A pack of trolls on each of the first two floors, scaling with player 1's XP. A group of spectral and spirit trolls teleporting in at the entrance to TorGal's room if you first go there in chapter 6.
    Shade Temple: Two packs of undead in the main dungeon area, scaling with player 1's XP.
    Druid Grove: A pack of trolls in the main outdoor area, scaling with player 1's XP.

    Don't consider this an exhaustive list; that's just the stronghold quests I looked at.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited February 2022
    @jmerry Thanks muchly for such a helpful answer :)
    I will definitely try doing things in a different order.
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