Serious Audio Issues - Caused by Ambient and Voice sound file(s)?

I'm having a major audio issue. During the Prologue intro, the sound cuts off midway through the first sentence (right after "Nestled atop the cliffs that rise"), gets replaced with various screechy, static-like noises, kinda like when the audio is being cut off from a video clip (similar to the effects found in "found footage" films) except persistent or a TV with no signal. A similar problem exists once i get in game as well, though sounds a tad different. Not quite sure how to describe it in words, but they aren't a continuous sound like a TV with no signal, but more like short 2-3 second bursts every 5 seconds. Needless to say, it's high-pitched and sharp enough that it really hurts my ears, on top of being obnoxious.
After muting the various sound options, I've found that the ingame one is tied to the Ambient Volume. The Prologue intro one, however, is affected by the Voice Volume. I'm guessing there is some corruption with the respective sound files.
Is this a game bug or is it perhaps my download was corrupted? I've noticed other people have sound issues as well, but I wasn't sure if it's the same one I'm getting. Is there a way to verify the game data like on Steam?
I used the standalone BGEEInstaller to download the game. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit (updated) with a Creative SB X-Fi sound card (the XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro series card; it's the older model that uses the regular PCI slot as opposed to the newer PCI-Express ones) with all up-to-date drivers. Well technically Creative hasn't updated my sound drivers since Feb 2011 because it's considered legacy now... Either way, this is the first game i've have had this issue (doesn't occur in the original BG1 or BG2).
I might try redownloading the entire game again later tonight (uggghhhh), and see if it still occurs.
EDIT: I just remembered that i used to use ALchemy for the original BG games, but BGEE isn't detected in the supported games list... is it required? It would help if i could find the BGConfig to mess with the indepth game sound settings... (i.e. EAX, 3D sound, etc.)
After muting the various sound options, I've found that the ingame one is tied to the Ambient Volume. The Prologue intro one, however, is affected by the Voice Volume. I'm guessing there is some corruption with the respective sound files.
Is this a game bug or is it perhaps my download was corrupted? I've noticed other people have sound issues as well, but I wasn't sure if it's the same one I'm getting. Is there a way to verify the game data like on Steam?
I used the standalone BGEEInstaller to download the game. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit (updated) with a Creative SB X-Fi sound card (the XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro series card; it's the older model that uses the regular PCI slot as opposed to the newer PCI-Express ones) with all up-to-date drivers. Well technically Creative hasn't updated my sound drivers since Feb 2011 because it's considered legacy now... Either way, this is the first game i've have had this issue (doesn't occur in the original BG1 or BG2).
I might try redownloading the entire game again later tonight (uggghhhh), and see if it still occurs.
EDIT: I just remembered that i used to use ALchemy for the original BG games, but BGEE isn't detected in the supported games list... is it required? It would help if i could find the BGConfig to mess with the indepth game sound settings... (i.e. EAX, 3D sound, etc.)

All of these have the same result, horrible screeching noises, cutting out audio, and crackling.
Now, if I set my default output device to the HDTV (through my Nvidia Graphics Card) I have hooked up to my PC it works fine. Audio is there without issues.
This leads me to believe there is a compatibility problem between X-Fi cards and this game (or at least the PCI X-FI Fatal1ty card).
From what you're saying, it definitely does sound like a compatibility issue with the sound card and/or drivers (highly doubt Creative is going to update these anymore for my soundcard). It might even be narrowed down to be an EAX issue, but i'm not sure how to test it without more advanced sound options to mess with. Honestly, I can't tell if EAX is even working or not, to be honest, with the constant crackles and screeching...
Im usin a creative xfi fatality pro soundcard with the latest drivers, though those drivers arnt realy that new:/
I shut off the sound to play a bit but it would randomly freeze. Now, That may not be related but when playing using the HDMI sound output I have not had it freeze yet in an hour of play.
If anyone ellse is willing to give it a try then by all means but ill wait till they fix the real problem.
I have an X-Fi Platinum Card and the process I posted resolved the issue for me:
Hope it helps...
It seems to have fixed both the Prologue and ingame sounds.
I ended up using the OpenAL32.dll from Unigine "Heaven" DX11 Benchmark (it's a free benchmark/stability test for overclocking your video card if you're curious) that I already had installed. You don't really need the OpenAL64.dll - unsurprisingly since BGEE is a 32-bit program.
I can also say that not all OpenAL32.dll files seem to work. I tried using two different ones from my STALKER games, but those didn't seem to affect anything. I also noted that they were all different in size - the one i got from the "Heaven" Benchmark was 832KB, where as the STALKER ones were only ~50KB.
I'm still curious as to why this problem seems to only affect Creative X-Fi users...