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Pickaxe. Any way to make an equipable one?

ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 493
edited February 2022 in Builders - Toolset
I'm not looking to make a totally custom model. Just wondering if I can overlay a weapon with the miscellaneous large item image.

For more context, Base item type Miscellaneous Large has an appearance iit_talmisc_004 that is what I want, but it's just something that hangs out in your inventory.
I tried doing
CopyItemAndModify(oTarget, ITEM_APPR_TYPE_SIMPLE_MODEL, 0, 4, TRUE);
on a battleaxe. It came out pretty funny. I'm guessing I would, at the very least, have to modify a 2da file to get the right image as an option on a battleaxe. But also, it didn't get rid of the original image. So there was overlap.


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited February 2022
    CEP2 has pickaxe weapons (light and heavy) which are fully equipable.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 493
    Awe man Proleric. I was hoping you'd have a different angle than that. Of course CEP has pickaxes. I am stubbornly loath to do anything with CEP.

    Really this is just for visual pleasure (but only in the inventory view), so I'll forgo even doing it if it's something that takes more than a script and a few 2da changes.
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