Quick Save and Auto Save Bug - "not enough disc space available"

I have just found a problem with my latest BG:EE install. I have had to replace the main drives on my PC so the game intall directory is on a much larger drive partition than I have used in the past. Ironically I thought this would be less likely to cause problems.
When I started the game and reached the first auto-save, I got a message saying that I was unable to save the game as there was not enough disc space available. However I knew for a fact this was bollocks. My C Drive (saves, portraits etc) has 397 GB free of 454, and my E Drive (main directory is) has 763 free of 931.
I undertook a horrendously long check of every mod I had used (and I admit there were many!) and narrowed the problem down to the Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats section of the Tweaks Anthology. I used this info to do yet another net search and finally found the culprit on this link.
The bottom line - its the Personalize Automatic Save Names that's the evli, demonic problem Using Apparently if you have a larger drive than I used to have it causes a bug with the address.
Just removing that single section of the mod fixed the bug. Hopefully this post will save other people the excriciating process I just went through
When I started the game and reached the first auto-save, I got a message saying that I was unable to save the game as there was not enough disc space available. However I knew for a fact this was bollocks. My C Drive (saves, portraits etc) has 397 GB free of 454, and my E Drive (main directory is) has 763 free of 931.
I undertook a horrendously long check of every mod I had used (and I admit there were many!) and narrowed the problem down to the Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats section of the Tweaks Anthology. I used this info to do yet another net search and finally found the culprit on this link.
The bottom line - its the Personalize Automatic Save Names that's the evli, demonic problem Using Apparently if you have a larger drive than I used to have it causes a bug with the address.
Just removing that single section of the mod fixed the bug. Hopefully this post will save other people the excriciating process I just went through