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Scripts Discussion

I was dissappointed that the Thief Adventurer script that makes your thief search for traps was eliminated from the BG2 model BGEE uses as its base. Is anyone aware of the reason for this? I hope it is added as new content or at least to the BGEE but it seems like the script options shouldn't change from BG:EE to BG2:EE.

Any other script additions/omissions you've noticed?


  • StarcypherStarcypher Member Posts: 9
    I Agree and also no explanation of the function of the new custom scripts, no bard song script is also a massive oversight imo
  • glenn3eglenn3e Member Posts: 8
    The Fighter-Defensive script doens't work correctly. Your characters still do their default behaviour and hide in shadows ALL the time. Even if they don't have that skill.
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