henchman died permanently

Can't find results for this anywhere. I'm playing NWN and am in the final chapter in the war zone. I've never had this happen before and I'm stuck. During a battle with a monk, assassin, mage and cleric, tomi died. Figured fine, I'll finish off the monk and assassin , go get him at the temple, then finish off the mage and cleric, but he somehow respawned on his own and was fighting the cleric and mage again. He was no longer showing as being in my party. He died again before I could save him and now he seems to be gone for good. It sucks since you can't get a replacement henchman at this point in the game. Is there a workaround for this to get tomi back? Thnx in advance
Sometimes Deekin in Hordes of the Underdark will get killed three times in one dungeon and I ask myself "should I bring him back this time?" But it's Deekin so I gotta bring him back.