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Anomen romance bug

Anomen has passed his knight test and is Sir Anomen . My character is in a romance with him.
The problem is this, it started in underdark and is every few days game time....Anomen suddenly says...someone comes I know them and no one is there and nothing happens. I think it's when he leaves and you have to hunt him down again.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    I'm guessing the exact (English) text of the line you're getting is "Wait - one approaches, and his appearance seems... familiar to me...". State 520 in BANOMEN.DLG, conditions AnomenMatch=1, AnomenIsKnight=1, AnomenSaerk=0, timer SpawnTerl expired.

    The follow-up line is from TERL.DLG, so if he's not there the dialogue just stops.

    Checking Anomen's script ... the block that's supposed to set up this line requires you to be outside, not in chapters 4/5/7, and excluding a bunch of areas. Basically, it's supposed to trigger on the city streets. That block, of course, also spawns Terl. Once he's there and you see him, Anomen talks to you.

    I suspect that this is a variant of a stutter bug; it's a different block that's telling him to talk to you, but the game state says his dialogue should be the line above. You got on the boat with the timer running, it expired at some point, and now you've got that mismatch going, where he's supposed to say one thing but instead says another. Beyond that - not enough information. Any mods that give Anomen new things to say?
  • ZaramMomdovarZaramMomdovar Member Posts: 2
    There is the Flirt mod added.
    For now, I decided to go back to a chapter 2 save and start from there again and see if it happens again. I will also try and get the Anomen leaves and you have to get him back part done before I get on the boat, if it messes up still I will post on here again.
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