nw_i0_spells and Basilisks too!

Oh boy. Where to start.
I'm trying to alter the basilisks petrify attack. I need them to stop using their petrify attack and switch to their claws after I'm petrified. This bugs me to no end...
Is there an easy fix for this? I poked around nw_i0_spells and didn't find anything relating to being petrified???
Anyone have clue on how to tackle this?
I'm trying to alter the basilisks petrify attack. I need them to stop using their petrify attack and switch to their claws after I'm petrified. This bugs me to no end...

Is there an easy fix for this? I poked around nw_i0_spells and didn't find anything relating to being petrified???
Anyone have clue on how to tackle this?
I have a way to generally make creatures do what I want when certain conditions are met using custom AI overrides. It's a bit clunky but it works like this.
In nw_c2_default9 either uncomment the line that sets the creature to run END_COMBAT_ROUND_EVENTS or do this:
Make a basilisk copy and add the variable ECRE|Int|1 to it.
Change the creature's OnUserDefined script handle to x2_def_userdef
Now, at the end of every combat round, the basilisk will run this next part.
In x2_def_userdef in the section:
else if(nUser == EVENT_END_COMBAT_ROUND || GetUserDefinedEventNumber() == 1003) // END OF COMBAT
put code to check if the basilisk's attack target is petrified. If so, set a custom AI script to run.
Then make a basilisk_ai script. (using x2_ai_demo as the template)
I haven't tested this (so I'm sure there will be a problem