Viconia/Edwin Not Learning New Spells

I’ve had Viconia pretty early on, as I seeked out my evil party quickly to build them up. Since I got her around level 5 I believe, she’s now level 9 and has not learned a single new cleric spell. All she can cast is command and cure light wounds. This makes her pretty useless as a party member and cleric.
Is something wrong here? Shouldn’t she be learning new cleric spells each level or so?? She has Honorary Ring of Sune equipped, but that seems to be the only thing related to spell learning.
*Edit* I picked up Edwin, had him scribe some scrolls and no matter what I do, rest, level him up, rest at inn, his new spells aren’t showing up either. All he has is colorspray, which makes him about as useful as a male nipple in this game.
Really hard to progress in SOD as an evil character when they take all your money, take away Dorn, SharTeel, and Kagain, and all you have left is a competent sorcerer with an incompetent mage and Druid who can’t do anything.
I’m on BGEE: SOD on switch. Heroes haven’t been learning new spells the whole game.
Is something wrong here? Shouldn’t she be learning new cleric spells each level or so?? She has Honorary Ring of Sune equipped, but that seems to be the only thing related to spell learning.
*Edit* I picked up Edwin, had him scribe some scrolls and no matter what I do, rest, level him up, rest at inn, his new spells aren’t showing up either. All he has is colorspray, which makes him about as useful as a male nipple in this game.
Really hard to progress in SOD as an evil character when they take all your money, take away Dorn, SharTeel, and Kagain, and all you have left is a competent sorcerer with an incompetent mage and Druid who can’t do anything.
I’m on BGEE: SOD on switch. Heroes haven’t been learning new spells the whole game.