rizolvir longswords(spoilers)

I haven't played HoTU in a long time so I'm at the point where I'm recovering my old equipment(I have almost all good longswords from previous games like the gladiator, holy avenger etc.). Question which I thought I'd find tons of entries for but didn't is, which longsword and what enhancements would you recommend? I just can't remember but it seems to me that since acid is apparently the only element that can damage the final demon boss that I'd upgrade the gladiator with it's acid damage. But then I thought holy avenger though something niggles at the back of my mind that it can't be enhanced. Enseric has decent stats but I think the 2 useless enhancements like talking blah blah and no acid damage works against it. I know a lot of this is personal preference as well, but interested in hearing what folks opted for before I get to Rizolvir next week when I have time to play again.
If a weapon already has 1d6 acid property like the Gladiator Longsword you can't upgrade it to the 2d6 available from the HOTU smithy in chapter 2 & 3.
The best upgrades are Enhancement, Keen, Haste, Elemental, True Sight.
You can put all those on Enserric and it also comes with vampiric regeneration, there is a limit to the enchantments and since Enserric is already boosted you can't get all the options.
The upgrades are expensive and you probably won't be able to afford everything so try to focus on Enhancement first to get to +10 max than Keen and Haste, after that get whatever you feel is best.
I've never tried to upgrade Holy Avenger but I doubt it's a good idea.
But if you can get your upgrades done before chapter 3, you can put something untop of your enchantments: https://www.gamebanshee.com/neverwinternights/hotuwalkthrough/culttemple.php
See second entry