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Houses and Trees are chopped in half?

DMMorpheusDMMorpheus Member Posts: 2
edited August 2023 in General Discussions NWN:EE
There used to be a game option to toggle upper levels of houses and trees to disappear but its gone now and my houses are all chopped in half. How do I get it back?
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • DazDaz Member Posts: 126
    Game Options -> UI -> Accessibility -> Hide Second Story Tiles
  • DMMorpheusDMMorpheus Member Posts: 2
    I'm blind. It's there now. But weirdly the text was in blue and maybe my brain overlooked it.
  • BobzlitBobzlit Member Posts: 6
    Daz wrote: »
    Game Options -> UI -> Accessibility -> Hide Second Story Tiles

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