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Trouble with adding custom portraits in Icewind Dale EE

OverlxrdOverlxrd Member Posts: 3
Hello !

I'm having trouble with importing customs portraits in Icewind Dale EE.

I did all the steps that are required to import portraits ( I tried on Photoshop)

Resize files, name them correctly, export in bmp, create a portrait folder...

But there is still no "custom" button showing in character generation.

I even download some portraits on Nexus to be sure to have correct dimensions and format...

I play on a French version of the game on steam.
No having trouble so far.

I did a scan of the gamefiles, tried to create "Portaits" or "portraits" folder in C:\Users\user\Documents\Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition nad in root folder of the game.

I also tried different names, different resolutions but no solution seems to be working...

Maybe I should try to change the language in English.

Does anyone have an idea?
I know that there are already somes topics about that, but I don't know what to do, maybe I missed something...



  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited March 2022
    The custom button comes from UI mods. Without such, custom portraits would appear after the original ones. Have you clicked through the portraits to check?
  • OverlxrdOverlxrd Member Posts: 3
    Yes I did!

    But none of them show up:/
  • OverlxrdOverlxrd Member Posts: 3
    I also tried to create a character with classical portrait, to see if I could change portrait in the game itself, but it doesn't work either...
    I'll back up my saves and try to reinstall the game with default folder.

    I'll let you know if it works
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