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Healer slash archer/slinger/crossbow

So i like to play healer type, cleric (sling, or maybe crossbow with Drake NPC), druid (kit) is as I understand it more powerfull but cannot resurect.
So human fighter +++++sling (crossbow maybe...but are there any good ones?) dual to cleric.
Problem here "dull" spells, pro strength bonus (sometimes) to damage.

Archer of sylvanus +++missile, gets +1 in missile (giberling three kit, dònt now how stabel that kit is tho, all this updates!!!!, that I dónt have asked for, maybe throws a wrench into the build?) to lvl 21?, called shots 4 of them, can "hide" and summon some kinda spirit animals but said to be weak? more intresting HLAs.

Any other build suggestions?, goal healer that can hit and do some damage with a ranged weapon, from bg to tob run.

Thankful for any ideas, kit combos, throwing dagger/dart (druid) maybe, but they don´t reach as far?...want to stay back and heal when needed, and let someone else do the other ugly things, seems impolite in some way? this hacking....and whatnot).
Have a good one.


  • archerhealarcherheal Member Posts: 3
    But in BG2 they got those electrty (4T4 or half if save?), i know spell check but i got dyslexi and English is not my primary language.

    But shortbows rules as I remember it in BG2.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,962
    Clerics and druids in the BG series cannot use bows or crossbows. Even if they're dual-classed. If you go for that dual-class idea, it's slings or nothing. Or maybe darts if your priest class is a druid. There are only two ways for a part-cleric or part-druid to wield a bow or crossbow: (1) Be a thief as well, and take the Use Any Item high-level ability. (2) Gather the pantaloons and combine them in late ToB, so you can use the Big Metal Rod - it's a crossbow with no class restrictions.

    Paladins and rangers can cast some divine spells, and paladins get Lay On Hands on top of that. They just don't get very many spell slots in the standard rules; only up to three per spell level, up to level 3 spells for rangers or level 4 spells for paladins, and no bonus spell slots based on Wisdom.

    Shamans are another priest option; with their spontaneous casting, they're well-suited to be healers. Just take the good healing spells at each level (Cure Light Wounds at level 1, Cure Medium Wounds at level 3, Call Woodland Beings at level 4, Mass Cure at level 5, Heal at level 6, Regeneration at level 7, and the Mass Raise Dead high-level ability) along with whatever other spells in different roles look good to you, and you're set. In addition, shamans can use shortbows, though like other single-class priests they can't go beyond proficiency in any weapon.

    On clerics versus druids as healers: druids get access to level 4, 5, and 6 spells faster than clerics, and the best level 4 healing spell (Call Woodland Beings) is druid-only. Once you get to BG2, though, those advantages fade away. The druid leveling curve slows down drastically, clerics get access to Raise Dead and Resurrection which druids don't, and level drain starts to matter so the druid's inability to cast Restoration hurts.
    You can compensate for the druid's lack of restoration and resurrection spells, though. Both of those needs can be covered by items - scrolls of restoration (available in many stores) and rods of resurrection (Ribald's shop, Mekrath's lair).
  • archerhealarcherheal Member Posts: 3
    Thanks alot.
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    I had never considered the shaman's ability to use shortbows before. Time for another run! Thank you for the inspiration.
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