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BG2:EE SoA Jaheria Constant Dialogue Bug

gkbbrkgkbbrk Member Posts: 3
edited April 2022 in Troubleshooting
I am currently on chp 6 and picked up Jeheria from Harper Holding in Docks after killing some mercenaries i was adventuring and i am stuck here Jaheria keeps initiating constant dialouge with me when dermin spawns. Please help i dont know what to do. See video below


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    A "stutter bug". A variable is set wrong, so she meets the conditions to initiate a dialogue that should be one thing, but actually says another thing ... which means she doesn't update the variables that would make things move on.

    Since you included the exact situation and the exact dialogue involved, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

    That dialogue is from the end of the romance's bandit encounter; conditions "BanditsSlit"=1 and "JaheiraBanditPlot"<9 (both global variables). All paths end the romance (JaheiraRomanceActive set to 3) but don't set anything else.
    The dialogue that should be playing here starts with "Stop!" - condition "DerminSpawn" = 6, but lower priority than the dialogue that actually plays.

    Now, the script block that has Jaheira talk to you at the end of the bandit encounter, when that "You... you..." dialogue should come up if you failed by letting the bandits hurt her, is also supposed to set JaheiraBanditPlot to 9 so it doesn't trigger again. Normally, that should come up once all five bandits are dead - did you see the dialogue back then? Either you missed a bandit, or something glitched.

    Either way, setting the global variable JaheiraBanditPlot to 9 should resolve this. Any tool capable of editing saves (such as EEKeeper or Near Infinity) can do this, as can the in-game debug/cheat console. For that last one, the command is
    C: SetGlobal("JaheiraBanditPlot","GLOBAL",9)
  • gkbbrkgkbbrk Member Posts: 3
    thanks for the answer it cleared the situation where she keeps talking to me
    jmerry wrote: »
    C: SetGlobal("JaheiraBanditPlot","GLOBAL",9)
    this command did the work again thanks for the solution

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