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Module file might be corrupt after crash

The toolset crashed while I was working on my module and now I can't get it to load in game. The error message says "Could not load the Module. Module file might be corrupt." Is there any way to save my module?


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited April 2022
    If you look in the \modules subfolder, there should be a copy with the extension .BackupMod containing the module as it was before the last save.

    Rename the .mod as something else (don't delete it, just in case). Rename .BackupMod as .mod, then open it in the toolset.
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    Proleric wrote: »
    If you look in the \modules subfolder, there should be a copy with the extension .BackupMod containing the module as it was before the last save.

    Rename the .mod as something else (don't delete it, just in case). Rename .BackupMod as .mod, then open it in the toolset.

    This method does not work for me since I had to save over the backup in order to find out that it was corrupted in the first place.

    So I'm trying to save as much as I can by exporting out as many things as possible and importing them into a new module. This is not a perfect method: I'll still need to redo a bunch of things like journal entries and local variables stored on the module itself. But initial tests imply that this will save much of the work I've put into this over the past several months.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    Oh the pain! I had this same thing happen to me last year. I was able to get some of my stuff out of the temp0 folder, but not everything. It was a mess and I ended up redoing so much work. I now back it up a lot more.
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    ForSerious wrote: »
    Oh the pain! I had this same thing happen to me last year. I was able to get some of my stuff out of the temp0 folder, but not everything. It was a mess and I ended up redoing so much work. I now back it up a lot more.

    I ended up exporting as many assets as possible into a new module. It was rather inconvenient and I had to re-add my module local variables, journal entries, and scripts that fired on rest, death, and item use. It didn't take long to do. I was able to do it all on stream within about an hour.

    I'm glad I was able to save it but the whole process was very annoying and I'll be backing up my modules in the future.
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