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Where are EET Bladesingers?

MindTyrantMindTyrant Member Posts: 26
edited April 2022 in BGII:EE Mods
A few days ago, I discovered that the best Bladesinger kit I ever saw, @Abdel_Adrian 's Eldritch Magic, is not compatible with EET. This mod is the only one I ever saw that also incorporated the Bladesong Weapon Style. If it also had Complete Book of Elves, or at least Skills & Powers, Gray Elves, it would be perfect! But since I am not getting an update to EET, I got to find something else

I am having difficulty finding other table-top similar versions of Bladesingers, including the Weapon Style (as that is a source of additional power). I have searched these forums, and Might and Guile has one close to the 4th Ed. version of Bladesinger, and that is it. Are there any others? While I am at it, what about Gray Elf subrace? Are they around anywhere?

I wish I could sponsor an update to Eldritch Magic, as I would make a decent donation to get Eldritch Magic for EET for the community. But I cannot get ahold of Abdel_Adrian to do it or give permission to someone else.
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