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Near infinity: editing kit's disadvantage effects

mr_planescapistmr_planescapist Member Posts: 19
edited April 2022 in General Modding
Not exactly an expert nor a newbie at this but...
I am trying to edit/change some of the Song and Silence mod's kits parameters with Near infinity.
Particularly how do you change/remove negative/disadvantages effects such as restricting certain schools of magic? I cannot find these in the kit's override 2DA file nor the SPL files...
I just want to change a <cannot use xxx school of magic> to a different school (for the Luring Piper's kit : Cannot learn mage spells from the schools of Conjuration, Invocation or Transmutation--->want to change Conjuration to Necromancy...).
Love that Kit by the way, super fun ;)


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    Usability for items and spells isn't in the kit's files directly; it's in the items and spells. For example, the Identify spell SPWI110.SPL (in vanilla) has the exclusion flag for Conjurers. And the Identify scroll SCRL75.ITM has the unusable flag for Conjurers. If you want to change usability for an arcane spell, you need to account for both the item and the scroll.

    How do you now which kit excludes stuff with which flag? That's in the kit files - specifically, the column in KITLIST.2DA labeled "UNUSABLE".
  • mr_planescapistmr_planescapist Member Posts: 19
    jmerry wrote: »
    Usability for items and spells isn't in the kit's files directly; it's in the items and spells. For example, the Identify spell SPWI110.SPL (in vanilla) has the exclusion flag for Conjurers. And the Identify scroll SCRL75.ITM has the unusable flag for Conjurers. If you want to change usability for an arcane spell, you need to account for both the item and the scroll.

    How do you now which kit excludes stuff with which flag? That's in the kit files - specifically, the column in KITLIST.2DA labeled "UNUSABLE".

    Great! Got it. Changed the kit's UNUSABLE code from 0x00000340 to 0x00000300 to get Alteration spells back (Bards really need to have Tenser's transformation...) . Now the kit is just restricted to Conjuration and Invocation schools.
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