My new playthrough with a drow CHARNAME

Portrait generated in, added extra details in a image editor, including the golden symbol of Mask.
NAME: Belueth (the Calm)
CLASS: Shadowdancer/Drow assassin/Divine Seeker (mostly Shadowdancer)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
PROFICIENCIES: Daggers and Two-weapon style.
Other characteristics:
- Light blindness (penalty to THAC0, Saving throws, visual range and thieving skills)
- 50% magic resistance, will grow to 65% in SoA.
- 33% poison resistance, from my interpretation of personal history with poisons and drow history
- Persistent 5% damage resistance (blessing from Mask)
- Gets only 90% of experience.
- Can cast Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire and Darkness.
STR: 13
DEX: 19
CON: 16
INT: 17
WIS: 13
CHA: 18
Total score: 94 + 2 from Subrace mod (drow bonuses)
Here's the biography (adapted from the original -- I'm not a professional writer lol) that I came up with:
While you weren’t too influenced by your good-natured foster father, you were nevertheless inspired by his colorful tales of rogues, thieves, assassins, and scoundrels, which left you in your younger years yearning for intrigue. On the stage of your imagination, the ambling, preoccupied monks of the keep have often played the secret lords of Waterdeep, their purses ripe targets for your nimble fingers, and hypothetically, their backs easy pickings for your quick blades.
On more than one occasion Gorion has asked you to very tactfully return a pen or an inkwell to the pocket from which it came (not that this mattered to you much). Your little exploits around the keep led you to discoveries about yourself, such as your affinity for shadows. Essentially, you seemed to have the capacity to disappear from view no matter the situation. An ability that you were sure would be useful for your “profession”. Looking into it, by making use of the library, you discovered that you had been blessed with the talents of a Shadowdancer. Maybe this was a blessing from Mask, the god you held in reverence and became a devotee for.
Such was this reverence, that even the sneaky god took notice. He spoke to you in a dream, where he named you his divine seeker, marking your forehead with his holy symbol and granting you powers in the process to further the Maskarran cause and recover valuable loot.
Following your racial roots, you studied the dirty tricks of your kin, such as poison, betrayal and assassination, using your talents as a Shadowdancer to achieve those goals more effectively. Towards that end, you practiced the deadly arts with the Watchers, becoming quite proficient dual wielding daggers, and with the (albeit reluctant) help of Gorion, you practiced ambushes. Gorion taught you the basics of alchemy and poisons which gave you little by little an increasing tolerance to it, and gave you insights into magic so you learn how to defend yourself from it.
The more valuable of the keep's treasures remain impenetrable to your wiles, but you have little desire to steal from your benefactors anyway; you long for more appropriate and accessible pickings.
You know little of how you came to be a ward of Gorion's, but over the years you have gleaned something of your mother's tale from his vague allusions and from the words he sometimes uttered in tear-filled sleep. She was an outcast drow from Menzoberranzan and a friend of his for many seasons. As you have no memory of her, nor any keepsakes to remind you of her existence, you have come to believe that she died while giving birth to you. Perhaps it was the pain of such a parting that led Gorion to cloister himself within the narrow halls of Candlekeep and raise you as his own. Of your father, you have learned nothing.
On more than one occasion Gorion has asked you to very tactfully return a pen or an inkwell to the pocket from which it came (not that this mattered to you much). Your little exploits around the keep led you to discoveries about yourself, such as your affinity for shadows. Essentially, you seemed to have the capacity to disappear from view no matter the situation. An ability that you were sure would be useful for your “profession”. Looking into it, by making use of the library, you discovered that you had been blessed with the talents of a Shadowdancer. Maybe this was a blessing from Mask, the god you held in reverence and became a devotee for.
Such was this reverence, that even the sneaky god took notice. He spoke to you in a dream, where he named you his divine seeker, marking your forehead with his holy symbol and granting you powers in the process to further the Maskarran cause and recover valuable loot.
Following your racial roots, you studied the dirty tricks of your kin, such as poison, betrayal and assassination, using your talents as a Shadowdancer to achieve those goals more effectively. Towards that end, you practiced the deadly arts with the Watchers, becoming quite proficient dual wielding daggers, and with the (albeit reluctant) help of Gorion, you practiced ambushes. Gorion taught you the basics of alchemy and poisons which gave you little by little an increasing tolerance to it, and gave you insights into magic so you learn how to defend yourself from it.
The more valuable of the keep's treasures remain impenetrable to your wiles, but you have little desire to steal from your benefactors anyway; you long for more appropriate and accessible pickings.
You know little of how you came to be a ward of Gorion's, but over the years you have gleaned something of your mother's tale from his vague allusions and from the words he sometimes uttered in tear-filled sleep. She was an outcast drow from Menzoberranzan and a friend of his for many seasons. As you have no memory of her, nor any keepsakes to remind you of her existence, you have come to believe that she died while giving birth to you. Perhaps it was the pain of such a parting that led Gorion to cloister himself within the narrow halls of Candlekeep and raise you as his own. Of your father, you have learned nothing.
In terms of gameplay, she is a Shadowdancer, she will keep all characteristics of Shadowdancers (and will add more powers other than vanilla). Using now:
- Revised Shadowstep: .
- Will HiPS if and only if I'm under the dark, in Shadowstep or Sanctuary to make it more balanced.
- Silent Image: mirror image that grows in power slowly (inspired by actual shadowdancer information)
- To do: add shadow "daze" (possibly interpreted as feeblemindedness or confusion), and summon shadow at higher levels, a creature which increases in power as you do.
- Sanctuary from Divine Seeker powers, pending to add more.
- "Drow poison ability", a poison that does moderate damage but damages movement speed, AC and Constitution, lasts 1 turn and can only use it once per 12 levels.
- At higher levels, she will have a modified version of Death Attack from RR, but less powerful, to maintain balance (essentially an attack that can kill in one hit, like monks do).
- Because RR doesn't modify Shadowdancers, I will modify manually the HLA manually.
Using other mods that affect Thieves: Rogue Rebalancing, Song and Silence, and some parts of other mods, including one that streamlines and makes their THAC0 as good as priests (in my view they should have been like that in the first place).
Starting the BGEE part now!
Sorry if this is the wrong forum, let me know. Also let me know if something seems off lorewise. I'm not an expert in it. I just went with what seemed conceivable.
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