[MOD] Ranger: Warden Kit

Ranger: Warden Kit
Author: Daeros Trollkiller
Version 1.0.1
Languages: English
The Warden is a kit for the ranger class that focuses more on offense than defense and isn’t locked into the “good” side of alignments. You can think of the warden as the consummate lone wolf woodsman, stalking the forest, and protecting it from outsiders. Wardens are more aligned with druids in terms of their ethos. See the kit description below for more details.
The mod package also includes a few new items, some which can be upgraded, and implemented in a way that I think fans of the BG/IWD series will enjoy.
This mod is compatible with the Enhanced Edition versions of Baldur’s Gate(with or without Siege of Dragonspear), Baldur’s Gate 2, Icewind Dale, and the Enhanced Edition Trilogy. I do not have any plans to incorporate compatibility for non-EE versions at this time.
Note: one of the items is placed in the SoD campaign. The mod can be fully played without it in BG1, you just wont be able to obtain this item unless you console it in, or use something like EE Keeper.
Bug Reporting
If you should encounter any bugs, please report them here.
You can download it here
Simply copy the contents of the zip file into your games’ folder, then double click on the rgr_warden.exe file to begin installation.
Special Note for Siege of Dragonspear from Steam/GOG
Good Old Games (GOG) and Steam both package the additional content for Siege of Dragonspear in a method that WeiDU, the tool used to install this mod, cannot access. You must run a program called Modmerge on your SoD installation before you can install this or any other WeiDU-based mod.
Warden Kit for Ranger
WARDEN: Wardens serve to protect nature from the ravages of civilization, and usually prefer to keep away from large cities and the like. However, a warden would have no reservations in tracking down a poacher to even those most crowded of places to bring them to justice, whether such action is lawfully warranted or not. A Warden's first and only true loyalty is to the natural world which they seek to protect, with little or no consideration given to the laws of the civilized world. Wardens are quite resourceful and use their knowledge of the natural world to stymie the encroachment of "civilized" races into the wild.
– May create special fieldcraft ammunition starting at level 1.
– May create poultices starting at level 1.
– May achieve Mastery (3 slots) in slashing, piercing, and missile weapons.
– Starts with 10 points in Set Traps, and gains 7 points per level through level 15.
– Has access to unique traps once per day at levels 4, 7, and 10.
– May not use the Charm Animal ability.
– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May only become Proficient (1 slot) in crushing weapons.
– Suffers a -4 penalty to Charisma.
– May not be of any Lawful alignment.
– May not dual-class to Cleric.
– -2 penalty to caster level.
– Does not have access to thief class traps
New Warden Kit abilities:
Create Fieldcraft Ammunition
This ability allows the warden to create special ammunition using his or her knowledge of the natural world. He/She is able to create this ammunition in greater quantities as he/she gains in experience. Few other than a skilled woodsman would be able to use this ammunition effectively, however. Furthermore, the compounds used in creating this ammunition, while effective, are also unstable, and if not used within 2 days, will be rendered useless.
1st Level: Creates 2 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
3rd Level: Creates 4 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
6th Level: Creates 6 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
10th Level: Creates 8 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
15th Level: Creates 10 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
Electrocution Trap
This clever trap makes use of bio-chemical electrical energy, stored carefully within a fragile makeshift battery of sorts. When the trap is triggered, the battery explodes, sending electrical currents arcing outward in all directions, striking creatures within a 10-ft radius.
3rd Level: Deals 1d2 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell is failed.
8th Level: Deals 1d4 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -2 penalty is failed.
13th Level: Deals 1d8 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed.
18th Level: Deals 1d12 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed.
23rd Level: Deals 1d16 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed.
28th Level: Deals 1d20 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed.
Create Fieldcraft Poultice
With this ability, the warden uses his/her knowledge of the natural world to create a poultice that will help in healing wounds and drawing out toxins. As he/she gains in level, the efficacy of the poultice created improves.
1st Level: Heals 8 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
7th Level: Heals 22 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
15th Level: Heals 31 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
Burning Web Trap
This devious trap is constructed of sticky web extracts from giant spiders soaked in a highly flammable liquid. When triggered, it explodes, covering creatures in a 12-ft radius.
7th Level: Deals 1d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 1 point of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -2 penalty is failed.
12th Level: Deals 2d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 1 point of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed.
17th Level: Deals 2d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 2 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed.
22nd Level: Deals 3d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 2 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed.
27th Level: Deals 3d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 3 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed.
Parasitic Fungus Trap
When triggered, this heinous trap will release a cloud of parasitic fungal spores into a 15-ft radius surrounding the trap. These spores quickly infect and spread into affected creatures causing disease and psychological effects unless a successful Save vs Spell is made. The infection can spread to other creatures within a 10-ft radius, but cannot re-infect creatures already suffering from its effects.
10th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
15th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
20th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
25th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
30th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -12 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
Bark Dervish (new spell, can be learned by all classes that can cast druidic spells)
Level: 3
Sphere: Guardian, Plant
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
When cast, this spell summons for a whirling dervish of tree boughs, sticks, and splintered hunks of wood that surround the caster, creating a protective barrier. Creatures that attempt to close in on the caster are battered for 2d6 crushing damage or 2d6 piercing damage per round by the dervish until they move out of range, or the spell expires.
New items
Arrow/Bolt/Bullets of Disorientation
Damage: 1d2 points(missile) to all creatures in area of effect, blinds and deafens for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates)
Damage type: Missile
Launcher: Bow
Weight: 0
Arrow/Bolt/Bullets of Slumber
Damage: 1d2 points(missile) to all creatures in area of effect, incapacitated for 4 rounds (Save vs. Death at -4 negates)
Special: Intoxicated and Fatigued for 4 rounds (No Save)
Damage type: Missile
Launcher: Bow
Weight: 0
Trapper’s Gauntlets
Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1
– Dexterity: +1
– Set Traps: +15%
Weight: 2
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +5
Combat abilities:
– 23% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 23% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 23% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 1 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +4
Combat abilities:
– 17% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 17% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 17% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. slashing, 2 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +3
Combat abilities:
– 11% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 11% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 11% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 3 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Darkwood Thrasher +3
Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
5 Strength
Weight: 3
Amber of First Growth
A gemstone component for???
Dessicated/Live Entwood
A component for???
Needler +3
Combat abilities:
– No attack per round penalty
Charge abilities:
– Fires special bolts in a 30-ft. cone, striking multiple targets for 1d3+3 missile damage
THAC0: +3
Damage: +3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
8 Strength
Weight: 5
**********SPOILERS BELOW***********
Item Locations:
Trapper’s Gauntlets
BG1 – Reward for returning ancient armor to ghosts in firewine ruins.
BG2 – Locked chest in thieve’s guild.
IWD – Chest in forgotten god’s temple (added to random item table, 10% chance)
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +3
BG1 – Amarande, Cloakwood Treehouse.
BG2 – Chest in Cernd’s former home.
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +4
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – Bring live entwood and 5,000 gold to Cromwell/Cespenar
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +5
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – Bring Amber of First Growth and 8,000 gold to Cromwell/Cespenar
IWD – Arundel, Kuldahar
Darkwood Thrasher +3
BG1 – NA
BG2 – Crazed Shadow Druid, Shadow Temple Lands (after defeating Shade Lord)
IWD – Sarcophagus in Kresselack’s Tomb third floor (added to random table, 16.6% chance)
Living Entwood
BG1 – NA
BG2 – Darkwood Treant, Shadow Temple Lands (after defeating Shade Lord)
Amber of First Growth
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – House in Tethir Forest
Needler +3
BG1 – Corpse in Morentherene’s Liar (SoD campaign)
BG2 – Ketta, Guarded Compound Second Floor
IWD - Chest in Yxunomei's lair
Author: Daeros Trollkiller
Version 1.0.1
Languages: English
The Warden is a kit for the ranger class that focuses more on offense than defense and isn’t locked into the “good” side of alignments. You can think of the warden as the consummate lone wolf woodsman, stalking the forest, and protecting it from outsiders. Wardens are more aligned with druids in terms of their ethos. See the kit description below for more details.
The mod package also includes a few new items, some which can be upgraded, and implemented in a way that I think fans of the BG/IWD series will enjoy.
This mod is compatible with the Enhanced Edition versions of Baldur’s Gate(with or without Siege of Dragonspear), Baldur’s Gate 2, Icewind Dale, and the Enhanced Edition Trilogy. I do not have any plans to incorporate compatibility for non-EE versions at this time.
Note: one of the items is placed in the SoD campaign. The mod can be fully played without it in BG1, you just wont be able to obtain this item unless you console it in, or use something like EE Keeper.
Bug Reporting
If you should encounter any bugs, please report them here.
You can download it here
Simply copy the contents of the zip file into your games’ folder, then double click on the rgr_warden.exe file to begin installation.
Special Note for Siege of Dragonspear from Steam/GOG
Good Old Games (GOG) and Steam both package the additional content for Siege of Dragonspear in a method that WeiDU, the tool used to install this mod, cannot access. You must run a program called Modmerge on your SoD installation before you can install this or any other WeiDU-based mod.
Warden Kit for Ranger
WARDEN: Wardens serve to protect nature from the ravages of civilization, and usually prefer to keep away from large cities and the like. However, a warden would have no reservations in tracking down a poacher to even those most crowded of places to bring them to justice, whether such action is lawfully warranted or not. A Warden's first and only true loyalty is to the natural world which they seek to protect, with little or no consideration given to the laws of the civilized world. Wardens are quite resourceful and use their knowledge of the natural world to stymie the encroachment of "civilized" races into the wild.
– May create special fieldcraft ammunition starting at level 1.
– May create poultices starting at level 1.
– May achieve Mastery (3 slots) in slashing, piercing, and missile weapons.
– Starts with 10 points in Set Traps, and gains 7 points per level through level 15.
– Has access to unique traps once per day at levels 4, 7, and 10.
– May not use the Charm Animal ability.
– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May only become Proficient (1 slot) in crushing weapons.
– Suffers a -4 penalty to Charisma.
– May not be of any Lawful alignment.
– May not dual-class to Cleric.
– -2 penalty to caster level.
– Does not have access to thief class traps
New Warden Kit abilities:
Create Fieldcraft Ammunition
This ability allows the warden to create special ammunition using his or her knowledge of the natural world. He/She is able to create this ammunition in greater quantities as he/she gains in experience. Few other than a skilled woodsman would be able to use this ammunition effectively, however. Furthermore, the compounds used in creating this ammunition, while effective, are also unstable, and if not used within 2 days, will be rendered useless.
1st Level: Creates 2 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
3rd Level: Creates 4 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
6th Level: Creates 6 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
10th Level: Creates 8 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
15th Level: Creates 10 Arrows/Bolts/Bullets.
Electrocution Trap
This clever trap makes use of bio-chemical electrical energy, stored carefully within a fragile makeshift battery of sorts. When the trap is triggered, the battery explodes, sending electrical currents arcing outward in all directions, striking creatures within a 10-ft radius.
3rd Level: Deals 1d2 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell is failed.
8th Level: Deals 1d4 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -2 penalty is failed.
13th Level: Deals 1d8 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed.
18th Level: Deals 1d12 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed.
23rd Level: Deals 1d16 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed.
28th Level: Deals 1d20 electrical damage and stuns the target for 3 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed.
Create Fieldcraft Poultice
With this ability, the warden uses his/her knowledge of the natural world to create a poultice that will help in healing wounds and drawing out toxins. As he/she gains in level, the efficacy of the poultice created improves.
1st Level: Heals 8 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
7th Level: Heals 22 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
15th Level: Heals 31 Hit Points, cures poison and disease.
Burning Web Trap
This devious trap is constructed of sticky web extracts from giant spiders soaked in a highly flammable liquid. When triggered, it explodes, covering creatures in a 12-ft radius.
7th Level: Deals 1d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 1 point of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -2 penalty is failed.
12th Level: Deals 2d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 1 point of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed.
17th Level: Deals 2d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 2 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed.
22nd Level: Deals 3d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 2 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed.
27th Level: Deals 3d3 fire damage and slows the target, doing an additional 3 points of fire damage per round for 1 turn if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed.
Parasitic Fungus Trap
When triggered, this heinous trap will release a cloud of parasitic fungal spores into a 15-ft radius surrounding the trap. These spores quickly infect and spread into affected creatures causing disease and psychological effects unless a successful Save vs Spell is made. The infection can spread to other creatures within a 10-ft radius, but cannot re-infect creatures already suffering from its effects.
10th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -4 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
15th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -6 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
20th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -8 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
25th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -10 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
30th Level: Deals 4d6 magic damage, then 3d6 magic damage the second round, 2d6 magic damage the third round, 1d6 magic damage the fourth round, and causes confusion for the duration if a Save vs. Spell with a -12 penalty is failed. If successful, damage is reduced to 2d6, 1d6, and 1d6 respecively, and confusion is negated.
Bark Dervish (new spell, can be learned by all classes that can cast druidic spells)
Level: 3
Sphere: Guardian, Plant
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
When cast, this spell summons for a whirling dervish of tree boughs, sticks, and splintered hunks of wood that surround the caster, creating a protective barrier. Creatures that attempt to close in on the caster are battered for 2d6 crushing damage or 2d6 piercing damage per round by the dervish until they move out of range, or the spell expires.
New items
Arrow/Bolt/Bullets of Disorientation
Damage: 1d2 points(missile) to all creatures in area of effect, blinds and deafens for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates)
Damage type: Missile
Launcher: Bow
Weight: 0
Arrow/Bolt/Bullets of Slumber
Damage: 1d2 points(missile) to all creatures in area of effect, incapacitated for 4 rounds (Save vs. Death at -4 negates)
Special: Intoxicated and Fatigued for 4 rounds (No Save)
Damage type: Missile
Launcher: Bow
Weight: 0
Trapper’s Gauntlets
Equipped abilities:
– THAC0: +1
– Dexterity: +1
– Set Traps: +15%
Weight: 2
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +5
Combat abilities:
– 23% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 23% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 23% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 2 (0 vs. slashing, 1 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +4
Combat abilities:
– 17% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 17% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 17% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 3 (1 vs. slashing, 2 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +3
Combat abilities:
– 11% chance of Barkskin on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 11% chance of Bark Dervish on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
– 11% chance of Regeneration on the wearer when hit by creatures within 6-ft.
Armor Class: 4 (2 vs. slashing, 3 vs. piercing and missile)
6 Strength
Weight: 15
Darkwood Thrasher +3
Equipped abilities:
– Armor Class: +2
THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6+3 (crushing)
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: One-handed
5 Strength
Weight: 3
Amber of First Growth
A gemstone component for???
Dessicated/Live Entwood
A component for???
Needler +3
Combat abilities:
– No attack per round penalty
Charge abilities:
– Fires special bolts in a 30-ft. cone, striking multiple targets for 1d3+3 missile damage
THAC0: +3
Damage: +3 (missile)
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: Two-handed
8 Strength
Weight: 5
**********SPOILERS BELOW***********
Item Locations:
Trapper’s Gauntlets
BG1 – Reward for returning ancient armor to ghosts in firewine ruins.
BG2 – Locked chest in thieve’s guild.
IWD – Chest in forgotten god’s temple (added to random item table, 10% chance)
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +3
BG1 – Amarande, Cloakwood Treehouse.
BG2 – Chest in Cernd’s former home.
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +4
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – Bring live entwood and 5,000 gold to Cromwell/Cespenar
Forest Stalker’s Bramblecoat +5
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – Bring Amber of First Growth and 8,000 gold to Cromwell/Cespenar
IWD – Arundel, Kuldahar
Darkwood Thrasher +3
BG1 – NA
BG2 – Crazed Shadow Druid, Shadow Temple Lands (after defeating Shade Lord)
IWD – Sarcophagus in Kresselack’s Tomb third floor (added to random table, 16.6% chance)
Living Entwood
BG1 – NA
BG2 – Darkwood Treant, Shadow Temple Lands (after defeating Shade Lord)
Amber of First Growth
BG1 – N/A
BG2 – House in Tethir Forest
Needler +3
BG1 – Corpse in Morentherene’s Liar (SoD campaign)
BG2 – Ketta, Guarded Compound Second Floor
IWD - Chest in Yxunomei's lair
Post edited by Daeros_Trollkiller on
A couple issues noticed:
Error when installing on BGEE/SOD. This is the relevant part of the debug file:
Set Traps score: Description says starts at 10 and gains +7 up to level 15.
Observed: Gains +7 up to level 10. So caps at 73, before other bonuses/penalties.
EDIT: After further testing, dual classing to druids doesn't work at all. When you dual class from Warden (probably any ranger) to druid, you remain at your current Warden level, but with 0 current XP and you still lose your previous proficiency points. Cleric works as normal if dual classing is enabled.
I'd recommend dropping that dual-classing element. You've got plenty of other things going on here. A ranger that can set traps is kit-worthy on its own; my idle ideas there have leaned toward reproducing druidic spells like an entangling trap or an insect trap.
I would recommend continuing the Set Traps skill progression up to 100 skill, or allowing the kit to choose how to assign points between HiS, MS, and ST.
Now, on power levels. Wow, you're making these abilities strong.
Electrocution Trap: AoE save or stun. Three rounds of stun is plenty to kill an enemy. And you can set multiple traps, and you get an escalating save penalty at higher levels? Against basically anything that's not immune to stun, these will win an encounter.
Burning Web Trap: AoE no-save slow. Forget anything else, one of these will dominate just about any encounter. Slow is a crippling status condition, and immunity to it is quite rare. This one probably isn't worth stacking multiples of, since all you get out of that is the damage.
Parasitic Fungus Trap: AoE confusion, at a ridiculously good save penalty. And solid damage on top of that. Another encounter-winning option.
Conventional thief traps need you to stack multiples for them to be effective. These traps will win encounters even if you only set one. And then you can still stack multiple copies to get more than one chance at that failed save...
Though ... you haven't said anything about numbers of uses. For any of the abilities. And does this kit get any uses of the normal physical snares, or the ability to take trap HLAs?
Bark Dervish: Half the damage of Blade Barrier, at half the level, but no saving throw? Seriously out of whack. If it hits allies, it's a nightmare to use in a party but absurdly powerful solo. If it doesn't hit allies, it's absurdly powerful.
Spell power is not linear. A level 3 spell is not half as powerful as a level 6 spell.
The Bramblecoat: Oh boy. Those "when hit" abilities ... Regeneration heals you for a minimum of 126 hit points over its duration. And it stacks with itself if cast multiple times. Then you get Bark Dervish to shred nearby enemies ... you put this on, charge into battle, and just trust in your armor to heal you and wear down your enemies. Throw in whatever damage resistance you can scrape up to tank better, and this becomes an insane tool especially if playing solo or near-solo.
I thought it looked overtuned as well on paper, but after seeing it in-game in BG2 as well as looking in Near Infinity, I think it's probably fine, provided you don't cheese with resting to set a bunch of traps (and you can do that anyways with regular/Spike Traps). Each ability is only once per day. It's on the stronger side, but that's normal for kit mods. Save penalties could probably be lowered, without really weakening the kit at all.
Note that the descriptions aren't completely clear about everything. The Fungus Trap doesn't stack. Even if the save is made, targets are still immune to being affected again for 20 seconds. Fire Trap does actually give a save for the Slow effect. I also thought it didn't. It's not written completely clearly.
The kit doesn't get thief traps, this was intentional, I didn't want to encroach too much on thieves.
Unfortunately I couldn't make the kit work with being able to assign points at level up, I ran into errors, assuming an engine limitation. I wanted to make it work this way, I just couldn't.
Burning web trap is not intended to have no save, will be revising this for sure.
Thank you for that, I can be more verbose/clear in the descriptions.
As far as the save penalties go, my goal was to ensure the traps would still be useful throughout the game as you level. I certainly didn't intend for them to be overpowered, I don't like "I win" buttons. I can scale back on the save penalties. I'd like to get more feedback from folks before I update these.
Noted, and was concerned about this, so am grateful for the feedback here. Will probably halve damage in the next update, maybe change a few other things about it as well.
Thanks for the feedback. On the next update I will make sure none of the abilities stack, but instead just reset their timers. If it's still too OP, I'll set it so the timers aren't reset either. The idea with balance around this piece is that you have to get hit in melee range for any of them to activate, and there's no guarantee that any of them will.
Will check on this, probably forgot to update something. I did intend for it to cap around 100 with good dex bonuses. Intended that there would almost always be a chance of failure, albeit small.
Yep, oversight on my part. For the next update I'm just going to remove the ability to dual class for this kit.
I'm not able to replicate the error you reported. Do you have any other mods installed that modify the ancient armor quest dialogue in firewine?
EDIT: Just to add, this is what the knight01.d file looks like when extracted from the mod zip:
Adding a tilde after the last ActionOverride makes it install without error: I'm not sure if that will cause issues, but the kit, at least, works fine.
Since my previous response, I was able to track down the problem and fix it for the next update. Thank you for pointing it out!
You've made it clear that you don't like how I do some things with my mods. I do appreciate the feedback, and I do try to accommodate folks' preferences as much as I can.
If you had looked further into this, you would see that is has to do with item placement for one of the very few items I included with this kit. When I place new items into the game, I try to do so in thoughtful and creative ways, as opposed to taking the lazy way out and just slapping them on vendors like I've seen in other mods.
The other mod of mine you referenced is not a spell mod, it's nowhere near in the same vein as something like spell revisions. It adds a few new spells to the game that I initially had only created as effects for some of the new items/upgraded items in the mod. During the process, I thought to myself: "You know, this mod doesn't really offer anything for casters, maybe I could also add some of these as actual spells so casters could get some love too."
Apparently, no good deed goes unpunished. *sigh*
I'll offer this, since it bothers you so much: If you can re-code SoD2BG2 so that the spells are a separate component without breaking anything, I will gladly consider putting it into an update to that mod and give you credit for doing so. I am not opposed at all to collaborating with other modders to improve my mods.
Going forward, I would appreciate it if you could please keep your responses in this thread on-topic to this specific mod to keep confusion to a minimum.
You weren't kidding on this one. Once I started looking further into this, I found it was even more broken than you described.
Despite the probabilities I had set for each effect to proc, it simply didn't work right at all, proccing one of the effects every single hit, over and over. To make it work correctly for the update, I ended up having to nest them under another spell. It seems that on-hit effects for armor are an all-or-nothing thing, at least from what I've seen.
On top of that, I'm nerfing the regen effect to heal 2/3 less per second. That, along with making it so none of the effects can stack (but will instead just reset the duration), should bring it more in-line with my original vision for it.
This only works for BGEE. EET offsets the BG1 strings with 200000 so that entry index ends up to be 227213.
Additionally, that breaks when a mod is installed which interjects into the dialog, which Isra, Sirene and BG1 NPC Quayle already does. Instead of outright recompiling the dialog, use DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH and a REPLACE_TEXTUALLY against the AddexperienceParty(1500) line to extend it with handing over the new item which would allow fixing it everywhere while not destroying other mod changes. That would even work around the journal issue.
Oh, EET also doesn't even call the file knight.dlg, but knight_.dlg because of a filename conflict.
Thank you for this feedback, I haven't used that function before so I'm not familliar with it, and I havent had much experience with EET either, so I wasn't aware of the BG1 string offset. It sounds like a much cleaner way of doing what I am trying to accomplish here.