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Arcane Spells as repeatable Innate Abilities

MewgiusMewgius Member Posts: 7
Hello! First of all, I apologize if this topic exists somewhere else, but I wasn't able to find any threads about people trying to look in to this same idea.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to copy various arcane spells to make them into innate abilities that can be used infinitely. I've been trying to base this off of various innate abilities that I've seen already exist via EE Keeper and NearInfinity (not sure off the top of my head if they exist in vanilla, or if they were added through SCS or Ascension, which are the only two mods that I have installed that would add such things) such as SPIN139 "Innate Fiend True Sight".

I'm already capable of copying existing arcane spells into innate abilities; that much I was able to figure out on my own pretty easily. What's stumping me is modifying them so that they can be used without having to rest, whether they can just be spammed or if they have to have a cooldown between uses (like SPIN168 "Marilith Animate Dead").

As far as I'm able to tell, through use of NearInfinity, this is accomplished through the use of adding the effects "Remove spell (172)" and "Give innate ability (171)" to the new innate spell, targeting that very same innate spell's resource (i.e. "SPIN168.SPL") file with both effects. I've attempted this with multiple spells, such as Haste and Energy Blades, but no matter how I tweak things, I can't seem to get the abilities to re-appear in my "abilities" menu without having to rest. Anyone have any thoughts?


  • MewgiusMewgius Member Posts: 7
    Here's a zip file containing an example of what I'm trying to do, although again, the "use infinitely" part isn't working, although the "use spell as an innate ability" is. So effectively at the moment, the file is just Zone of Sweet Air as an innate ability.
  • Dan_PDan_P Member Posts: 128
    edited June 2022
    Your probabilities are set wrong. They're not a percentage. They're a RNG range from 0-99 (convention is to set the high end to 100, but the highest is actually 99). Setting Probability 1 to 100 and Probability 2 to 0 will make the effect always trigger.

    If you're confused about spell or other files, check the file formats section in IESDP.
    Post edited by Dan_P on
  • MewgiusMewgius Member Posts: 7
    I did originally have Probability 1 at 100 and Probability 2 at 0, since that was what the settings were in the examples I was pulling from; that wasn't working, which was when I tried having both at 100 because I wasn't really sure how that field worked, given that everything I've learned in NearInfinity has come from trial and error so far.
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