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Constant crashes loading animations in all IE games

FozzforusFozzforus Member Posts: 20
edited June 2022 in Troubleshooting
I have figured out that directx works better than opengl. Opengl totally skips weather and several other global type effects. Directx worked for significantly longer and made the game look a little better, but eventually also crashed the same way shortly after botching an animation.
Post edited by Fozzforus on


  • FozzforusFozzforus Member Posts: 20
    Directx also fully crashes my computer to where I have to restart. It happens less frequently, but still inside of 20 minutes every time.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited June 2022
    That sounds like a hardware error. Neither renderers should botch the game.

    What is your GPU?
  • FozzforusFozzforus Member Posts: 20
    RTX 2060 with a couple year old i7 2.6ghz
  • FozzforusFozzforus Member Posts: 20
    Maybe an issue with the power because it's a laptop, although I believe I have solved all those, or perhaps the external SSD I have it on.

    I had played all the games fine for a while before this started so I figured it was 2.6 that did it, but I tried rolling back to 2.5 with no more success. Tried pulling the OpenAL file over from my NWN files into all the IE games with no success either. Disabled cloud saves. Toggled the alternate render.
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