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Aribeth Sword

Hello ! Can you wield a Aribeth Sword ? Is there an option to spawn aribeth sword via console ?
I tried dm_spawnitem m4aribsword , but its not working.

anyone have the solution ?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    i want to say yes, but it requires some bizarre requirements to do so, you have to have at least 1 paladin level and you have to be evil

    when it comes to spawning it in, im not sure how to do that one
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    The spawning command looks right, but you must be in Debug Mode, and you must be in an official module in which Aribeth's Sword exists (because it's not a standard item).

    If you then export your character, you should be able to import it to any module.
  • AcesigoodAcesigood Member Posts: 2
    Proleric wrote: »
    The spawning command looks right, but you must be in Debug Mode, and you must be in an official module in which Aribeth's Sword exists (because it's not a standard item).

    If you then export your character, you should be able to import it to any module.

    I actually thought about it too, but i have strong theory.

    Plot item can be only be spawn in the act thay should naturally appear.

    And this m4 ,m3 or m2 a the beginning are act numbers.

    m4 = act 4

    So it will probably only appear in act 4.

    Hope it will work. Thanks !
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