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problem install

bazzikbazzik Member Posts: 2
i ve bought this game on CD for PC and got problem when installing
request is for CD 3 (CD game) which I can't identify
box is called "Deluxe" with CD1 CD2 + Hordes of the underdak + Shadows of undrentide + CD Kingmaker, shadowguard & witch's wake

is there a missing CD, if yes how can I solve this ?
or is it just another of this 99% thievery in game world?
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • bazzikbazzik Member Posts: 2
    ok thank you so much wonderful modern wold of neverending communication
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    So take a look at GOG. Currently NwN EE is on sale at 80% off (UK price of £3.09). As part of that you also get the older 1.69/Diamond edition too. FWIW, Beamdog have nothing to do with the ancient version that you bought. They publish the Enhanced Edition.

    My guess is that the missing disk would have contained everything in your list from Kingmaker onwards. So get your money back from whoever sold you it and get the GOG version instead.

    Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (GOG link)

  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    Is it possible that CD#3 is actually one of the CDs containing the "extras" like Hordes? That would be my first thought.
    But whoever made that installation program is still an idiot, even if my guess is correct.
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