Where should I invest my EXTRA attribute points?
I'm somewhat new to D&D games in general, but I just created a character in BG1 without any of the mods.
I created a multi-class Ranger/Cleric and rolled for a few minutes. After I got a 97, I looked at a few guides and forums for the class and discovered that this class has an overpowering bug and that I was lucky to get such a great roll.
If I like the game enough, I might continue through the expansion and BG2 with this character. Otherwise, I may create different classes to enjoy the games with a little more variety.
Anyway, none of the guides really say what secondary attributes would be important if the main ones were maxed with a lot of extras left over. I know to max DEX, WIS, & CON, but after that I still have 43 points to spend. I had to read up on what the / meant for STR and I get it, but what I don't understand is if I do not max STR before the start of the game, does the extra /XX come into play later when my STR is pushed to 18 with an item? Or do I need to max STR at the character creation in order to take advantage of the /XX?
I ask because with the 97 points I rolled I can have 18/83 STR.
With all this in mind, how should I allocate my extra points between STR, INT, & CHA ?
If I were to decide now (from what I've learned today) I would do
STR 18/83
DEX 18
CON 18
INT 10
WIS 18
CHA 15
but then I wonder if I should be maxing CHA with this many pts.
Please respond ASAP I have the game open now and I'm dying to start playing!
I created a multi-class Ranger/Cleric and rolled for a few minutes. After I got a 97, I looked at a few guides and forums for the class and discovered that this class has an overpowering bug and that I was lucky to get such a great roll.
If I like the game enough, I might continue through the expansion and BG2 with this character. Otherwise, I may create different classes to enjoy the games with a little more variety.
Anyway, none of the guides really say what secondary attributes would be important if the main ones were maxed with a lot of extras left over. I know to max DEX, WIS, & CON, but after that I still have 43 points to spend. I had to read up on what the / meant for STR and I get it, but what I don't understand is if I do not max STR before the start of the game, does the extra /XX come into play later when my STR is pushed to 18 with an item? Or do I need to max STR at the character creation in order to take advantage of the /XX?
I ask because with the 97 points I rolled I can have 18/83 STR.
With all this in mind, how should I allocate my extra points between STR, INT, & CHA ?
If I were to decide now (from what I've learned today) I would do
STR 18/83
DEX 18
CON 18
INT 10
WIS 18
CHA 15
but then I wonder if I should be maxing CHA with this many pts.
Please respond ASAP I have the game open now and I'm dying to start playing!
I'ts actually my 3rd character I'm starting today.
I did a ranger/cleric earlier and actually got a similar total-point roll (again in only a few minutes). Unfortunately, before I learned that the /XX is always there but only shows when at 18, I effed it up by doing only 15 STR, 13 INT, 14 CHA.
I'm not sure if it's easier to get higher rolls with this class or what because I rolled with a fighter for longer than both ranger/clerics put together but could rarely and barely get over 90.