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[HELP]Changing portraits with Shadowkeeper in BGEE

So I got shadowkeeper running and it's finding my save files fine after reading another forum post here explaining how to get the program running. However, I'm having trouble changing portraits for my party. I made a folder called Portraits in the 00766 folder and I have some high quality bitmap images but when I click change portrait in Shadowkeeper it only finds two files nelles and bodhi.

Are my bitmaps too big in file size? Is the directory wrong? Anyone who has successfully done this, I'd love to hear from you.


  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    edited November 2012
    they need to be
    210x330 XXXXXXXL.bmp 24bit 200 d/i
    169x266 XXXXXXXM.bmp 24bit 200 d/i
    54x84 XXXXXXXS.bmp 24bit 200 d/i
    Where the x's are the file name followed by the size letter. NOT TO EXCEED 8 letters long.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Have you tried putting them in the Override folder instead?

    Also, are you able to change the portraits from within the game itself using the Customize screen, or are they not showing up at all?
  • verdegreenverdegreen Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2012
    EDIT: My PC bmp image is fixed; however I still have issues with shadowkeeper.
    Post edited by verdegreen on
  • TiaxRulesAllTiaxRulesAll Member Posts: 198
    I bet you its your bit depth. That one always gave me trouble in the past.
    .bmp is not quite enough im afraid. Make sure its 24bit
  • verdegreenverdegreen Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2012
    EDIT: OK I found out that I wasn't saving it correctly. So NM.

    However, this brings me back to my original question. Why can't I get shadowkeeper to recognize these files?
    Post edited by verdegreen on
  • JudasJudas Member Posts: 5
    Can u please link the discussion where explain how to use shadowkeeper with bgee?
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