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Some improvements I think could be made

thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
Loving the game so far. Here's my list.

1) Middle mouse button. Make it useful! I have been constantly trying to move the screen around using it instead of the arrow keys(since edge scrolling isn't very practical in windowed mode) Please make the middle mouse button do this.

2) Fix middle mouse button scrolling. It doesn't work in the journal, and in the shop menus it only works for the buy side. It should work on the sell side if my mouse pointer is on that side.

3) Please try to make the UI look better. The left side with the various window buttons does not need to be designed the way it is anymore. They could be much smaller buttons (perhaps circular icons) running across the top or down the left side. Same goes for the icons at the bottom. They just look huge and dated. Reworking the UI would really improve the overall look of the game, and would make the claim that this game is "enhanced" a bit more viable.

An alternative would be making the UI easily customizable for modders.

4) Mentioned quite a few times, but we need a framerate slider in the graphics menu, and a pathing node slider in the gameplay menu. At least make them work in the .ini please.

5) Allow me to click on the black part of the map to move. It is something I never liked originally, and it is so tiresome clicking just on the edge of the fog to progress around the map.

6) Am I crazy to be remembering some sort of basic scripting options that let me set party members to heal automatically when they were under a percentage of health? If that was in some other game, it would be awesome if it was in this one.

When I read "Enhanced" I thought we would be getting some improved gameplay and customization. What we got is passable, and still fun, but there's no WOW factor. I still feel like I'm playing that same old game. It just runs on my new machine.

Post edited by thedemoninside on


  • seasea Member Posts: 65
    edited November 2012
    On 3), the problem isn't that the icons are too big, it's that they are scaled up to a fixed size using low-res source art, and look terrible as a result.

    Baldur's Gate at runs fine on modern computers too. It's $10 less and has a nicer-looking UI, plus fewer bugs.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    Actually I did attempt to play it unmodded a couple years back, but it was so ugly that I didn't make it out of candlekeep lol. I do have to give these guys props for making it run at a higher resolution, but doing that and slapping together some comic styled cutscenes isn't really that "enhanced" in my opinion. I wish they could have done more, but if they changed the things I suggested I think it would go a long way to improving the overall look.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    Bump...for justice!
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    The version runs on old machines, too. This game needed that "wow factor" to make it superior to

    The two plusses I see are that you get the equivalent of the widescreen mod, and, I like the new color-coded circles and the new portrait attack icons. The zoom will be very nice if they fix the reset-on-area-change problem. Those three may be enough to keep me sticking with the project for a while longer, hoping for updates that increase that desperately needed "wow factor".

    I hope that we can settle down these "plus" and "minus" threads to one thread each. There is too much starting of new threads every time somebody wants to give their opinion going on.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    I started a thread because it is not exactly typical of other complaining threads. I am mostly happy with the game. I mainly wanted to stress the point that the mouse should have some way of interacting with camera movement like most modern games. Throwing my ideas into a bloated thread full of trolling would not really be very effective.

    I do not see many people suggesting that the black part of the fog should be clickable to move as well. It is probably some archaic game design problem that can't be fixed, but I can dream.

    This would also make the tablet versions better as well. I hope they do something, as the game really needs some real noticeable improvements.
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