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Why can I not get Dorn to join my party?

Everytime I talk to Dorn the conversation goes nowhere...I have tried at every chapter so far and still nothing...I am currently now under Candlekeep...hoping I can get to try out Dorn at somepoint... I also tried a new game and still nothing.

anyone able to get him?


  • ccoolleeiissccoolleeiiss Member Posts: 7
    I got him once I left Nashkell. I don't know if it is a random encounter, but I was ambushed by bandits, and he showed up and helped me, and then I got him in my party.
  • StrayedMonkeyStrayedMonkey Member Posts: 146
    dang. he needs to hurry and show the rate its going he'll probably show up for the last battle!
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Yeah it's a random encounter. Head towards the Nashkell mines and the encounter should appear. I assume you need to talk to him at the Inn first.
  • StrayedMonkeyStrayedMonkey Member Posts: 146
    finally got him. thanks!
  • vorticanvortican Member Posts: 206
    I ran into Dorn at the Friendly Arm when I got Jaheira and Khalid (who I can't stand but I need a fighter and a healer doesn't hurt, eh?). I pissed him off and now he wants to crush my head or something. I hope he shows up later like this because I would like to check him out. I've already got Montaran, Xzar, and if I get Kagain and Dorn, it'll be a pretty funny evil party.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    edited November 2012
    I'm more tired of this question than I am of all the trolls complaining about the game itself.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    This is what I did but I don't know if it will work for you. You might get different results.

    First I made clear what the salary would be and outlined the benefits. I let him know that as the party tank, he would be getting hazard pay plus overtime. Health care is pretty awesome in the realms provided one had cash on hand... Even death is no obstacle.

    It's very important that you do not use "incentives" such as free/discount tickets to the Black Pits, coupons for the Burning Wizard, etc. These are minimum-effort attempts at employee morale, and he would forget you and your group right away if you tried this... Probably after feasting on your entrails.

    A good practice is an employee tuition program, especially popular with budding casters. Many party leaders and guilds should adopt this practice, as it is a surefire incentive for improvement and a healthy investment option :D
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