Really, if the most you can do is endlessly post on the forums rather then bothering to even write a coherent sentence, try to explain whats wrong, or find the endless number of places the CORRECT avenue for this is posted, you don't deserve a refund.
With Beamdog we strive to make the gaming experience as smooth and painless as possible. We do, however, realize that some products may have issues on certain computers.
We will use the Beamog Client diagnostics to help get to the bottom of the problem, but we appreciate your help in making our software better.
Use the "Feedback" section of the website to tell us about the problem. Try to give a concise description of what the problems were with the software and be certain to specify the correct title as it will aid in our efforts.
In the case we cannot resolve the issue, and if we are unable to resolve the issue, you may request a refund using the "Feedback" section. Be precise about the title as the software will be un-installed.
You guys are incapable of distrubuting ur game properly its no wonder people use steam i have tried for days to get this game but no !!!! aint happening unless i pirate it i am done with this website and this company for good enjoy my 20 dollars its the last you get from me and i will pirate ever game of urs from here on out cheers All the information you need to resolve complaints and/or receive a refund on your purchase is here. Follow the instructions.
You ordered the game and had your payment processed through Beamdog. Accordingly, nobody -here-, which is not Beamdog, has anything to do with your license to the game, or the ability to help you in any way in the return process. You're being an abrasive and entitled ass to a community that has no obligation to help you, but has repeatedly directed you to the appropriate channel anyway. All the information you need to resolve complaints and/or receive a refund on your purchase is here. Follow the instructions.
You ordered the game and had your payment processed through Beamdog. Accordingly, nobody -here-, which is not Beamdog, has anything to do with your license to the game, or the ability to help you in any way in the return process. You're being an abrasive and entitled ass to a community that has no obligation to help you, but has repeatedly directed you to the appropriate channel anyway.
You try being nice for 2 days and having it land on deaf ears i have paid for this game !!!! and 2 days later im still waiting to play it god damn it... do u know how fustrating that feels ? do you.
There, I started your google journey.
You see, I did this crazy thing called reading. You should try it sometime...
This refund will typically be given through a return on the payment method used in the store.
This refund will result in the user losing all access to the Content they request a refund on.
Even if the Content has been downloaded it will be removed/disabled from the users' computer.
As well, all CD keys and multi-player keys will be permanently disabled, so we encourage you to be certain before asking for a refund.
Your skillz, they are lacking
All the information you need to resolve complaints and/or receive a refund on your purchase is here. Follow the instructions.
You ordered the game and had your payment processed through Beamdog. Accordingly, nobody -here-, which is not Beamdog, has anything to do with your license to the game, or the ability to help you in any way in the return process. You're being an abrasive and entitled ass to a community that has no obligation to help you, but has repeatedly directed you to the appropriate channel anyway.