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Paladin Proficiency Slots?

Should I stick to Long Swords, or Katanas? I heard its much harder to kill Drizzt this time around so I'm not really looking into Scimitars.


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Why would a paladin kill Drizzt?
  • WorgWorg Member Posts: 170
    stygga said:

    Why would a paladin kill Drizzt?

    You do realize he is a baby killing dark elf that should be wiped from the face of Faerun?
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    One of the weapons is for Lawful Good only and its +3 and also adds 2+ to AC
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Yeah 'Scimitar +5, Defender' is for Good-aligned only, it's actually a +3 Scimitar and gives you a +2 AC bonus. Best weapon in the game, the only weapon even close to it is Xan's Moonblade.
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Now we are getting off topic though....I do NOT know what Katanas are in the game so I am unsure of what to do.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    Worg said:

    stygga said:

    Why would a paladin kill Drizzt?

    You do realize he is a baby killing dark elf that should be wiped from the face of Faerun?
    @Worg You sir are racist against dark elves! =P
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    I don't like bumping but I don't know if going Katanas will mess me up in the long run or not. If it does, then are Bastard Swords good?
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    @AdventSign If you're a Good Paladin Kit...I would say Two Handed Swords is a must for Carsomyr when BG2 comes out. I would also recommend Bastard Swords because of the Purifier in BG2. Longswords are probably a great bet for an alternate one-hander since there are several in BG2 that work early game (DAYSTAR IS THE STUFF! AND THERE'S A SWORD THAT REALLY HURTS DRAGONS....). I just made a Blackguard so I went with Two Slots in Bastard Swords and Longswords because I know there are great Bastard Swords that work well for tanking specific monsters that will come up in BG1 and there is a +2 Longsword with additional damage early on if you know where to look that can be a mainstay for most of the game. I normally go for a +2 Hammer in BG1...but than again I almost never play Paladins (Too goody-goody for evil Pally it is)

    I would go with two-handers eventually but I don't think Blackgaurd's will get to use Carsomyr or the we'll see what he's using by BG2...I still may use hammers and dual wield.
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