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Journal unable to scroll.

I don't know if I'm just not doing it right, but I am unable to scroll through entries in my journal. This is only really a problem with the entries under 'journal' because I can collapse the quest text making it possible for me to read.


  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    I have a similar problem but I can click the down arrow to scroll one click at a time, which is a little frustrating. Hopefully they'll look at patching it.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I had this problem too, or so I thought - just hold down left mouse button and drag at the middle of the journal though.
  • AlexMAlexM Member Posts: 110
    If you hold the left mouse button and drag, you'll be able to scroll through the journal entries.
  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    Ah, so you can. Thanks! :)
  • MoobooMagooMoobooMagoo Member Posts: 11
    I thought I might be doing something wrong. Thanks a lot for clearing that up!
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Have similar problems.
    - mouse wheel doesn't work
    - dragging nob doesn't work
    - holding down the scroll down arrow at buttom doesn't work
    - clicking at the scroll line doesn't work
  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    click on the actual text of the journal, hold and drag the mouse
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    Yeah, I use a tablet a lot, so I figured it out pretty quickly myself. All the windows in the Record screen work with the same principle.
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