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Have i Said something wrong? (spoiler)

Ok i might need a bit of help here regarding Dorn, i don't know if this is wrog or no but.....

(spoiler starts here now)

I got him with my fem Dwarven bountyhunter for at least 30 in game days now, likely longer.
Gone through the first bit of his quest and in the beginning had 2 Talks on Rest. However since the talk on questioning leadership nothing has come up again and i fear i might have said something wrong there, is this possible. Would it be wise to reload?

Help and advice would be appreciated.


  • ElDiabloElDiablo Member Posts: 36
    any info? im quite worried.
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    Maybe he isn't in to short and fat chicks?
  • MoiraMoira Member Posts: 173
    There shouldn't be race restrictions to the new romances if that's what the above was supposed to mean. I can't answer you with facts @ElDiablo but it has been said that the romances/conversations in BGEE will continue in BG2EE. Maybe you have seen all there is in this part?
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    edited November 2012
    The next part of his quest doesn't happen until
    Chapter 5.
  • ElDiabloElDiablo Member Posts: 36
    Moira said:

    There shouldn't be race restrictions to the new romances if that's what the above was supposed to mean. I can't answer you with facts @ElDiablo but it has been said that the romances/conversations in BGEE will continue in BG2EE. Maybe you have seen all there is in this part?

    Doupt the whole of his talks consists of 2 talks outside his quest
    Jalily said:

    The next part of his quest doesn't happen until

    Chapter 5.
    Ok I'll just go on then and hope for the best thank you.
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