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MenthroMenthro Member Posts: 85
So my friend and I attempt to sleep in candlekeep at the inn and the first time I selected the royal room and hit rent. The screen exited the rent area came back to the main screen and declared that the game was paused for sleep and we had slept for 8 hours. However we were unable to unpause the game. Quickly reloading the game, I.E. starting a new one, we tried it again, this time with him, the host, doing the honors. Same thing happened. We aren't sure if this is a bug or if we are just missing something really obvious....


  • ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
    The same thing happend here, there is no option but to quit the game I think
  • KratokKratok Member Posts: 42
    In our multiplayer game, we have this problem resting in any interior area, not just renting rooms in inns. Makes the game a lot harder since we can't rest in any dungeons at all.
  • WulfWulf Member Posts: 1
    We have the same problem while playing MP with my friend. We found out that I can unpause the game after my friend leaves it. Then he can log-in again and we continue... It's a little annoying, but we are able to rest like this - so better than nothing.
  • FateAscendsFateAscends Member Posts: 63
    Kratok said:

    In our multiplayer game, we have this problem resting in any interior area, not just renting rooms in inns. Makes the game a lot harder since we can't rest in any dungeons at all.

    Exact same problem, can't rest indoors anywhere, and can't save the game after the perma-pause because it says its in a cinematic. Not a COMPLETE game breaker, but damn it's been hard for a friend of mine and I to dungeon crawl with two caster classes.

  • DubhAingealDubhAingeal Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2012
    Have the same issues. Found that if the other person(s) leave the game, the game will unpause, and the others can join back in. Pain, but keeps from needing to restart the game. At least in the Black Pits, haven't tried the main game yet.
  • KaminanpKaminanp Member Posts: 3
    go to the movies folder and copy and rename for example the "rest.wbm" to "restinn.wbm"
  • shohyshohy Member Posts: 10
    The pause can't be cancelled until other persons leave the game. Moreover, spells can't be memorized even they join back. All casters became useless in multiplayer games.
  • shohyshohy Member Posts: 10
    Kaminanp said:

    go to the movies folder and copy and rename for example the "rest.wbm" to "restinn.wbm"

    The problem is solved, thanks
  • MenthroMenthro Member Posts: 85
    Thanks for all the tips! We have been looking forward to playing this for months and having my friend play a sorc would have made playing without resting rather awkward to say the least....
  • DalsdDalsd Member Posts: 11
    Also for sleeping in dungeons name the video restdung.wbm

    There's also thread with workaround on the bugs section
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