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Toughest Encounters So Far (Spoilers)

Playing on Insane for the first time and the assassin at the Red Sheaf Inn has been my toughest encounter so far. Ate 2 lots of Magic Missiles from my own character and Neera and a wand of magic missiles from Imoen before he had a chance to speak. Didn't do much damage though so came down to a little luck...Jaheira's curing saved Khalid lol.

Took a few reloads but got there in the end...didn't go outside so it was close quarters.


  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    That was a pain for me because Silke ran inside, and I followed her.

    The one that ended my no-reload was on Neera's quest:

    ...because the door shut behind me, leaving CHARNAME alone to do battle with two mages, an ogre and two berserkers
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    That wizard in the purple tent in the Nashkel carnival. Zordral, I think his name is. But nothing new there, he's always been a pain.
  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    Arcalian said:

    That wizard in the purple tent in the Nashkel carnival. Zordral, I think his name is. But nothing new there, he's always been a pain.

    Yes, I had to reload three times before I managed to defeat him. Basically, you have to deal as much damage to him as you can at the very beginning of the fight before he can let loose with those spells of his.
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    Sirines at the coast, where the lighthouse is. I recruited Safana and had to get past them into the cave. Problem was they kept dominating my fighters and using poison arrows. Took a lot of trying, but I wanted a thief other than Imoen, so I had to get past them. Surpisingly the flesh golems in the cave were a bit easier, as Dorn gave them a good trashing.
  • Rpg_AvatarRpg_Avatar Member Posts: 38
    The assasin in Red Shief and I'm on normal. It's just plain hard to hit him, before he kills you.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Right now (i'm in the middle of Cloakwood) the only encounter I had problem with (quite a big, if you ask me) was last battle in Neera quest. You know, with spanish inqui... I mean with Red Wizards.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    Yeah, it's a pain to manage; the small room you're fighting in means that it's difficult to circumvent the ogres and bodyguards to deal with the two wizards, who are the real issue. They'll throw up multiple protection spells and then nuke your party down in a matter of seconds. I'm walking away from that one for a bit until Neera herself is able to cast level 3 spells; should even the odds a bit.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    @Vissious I did five or six reloads on that battle, until I remembered I had darts of wounding and arrows of biting.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Dorn quest spoiler below:
    The fight with simmeon and the summoned demons at the end of dorns plotline
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    The amazons always were a big PITA for me, and this iteration is no exception.
  • agentmulderagentmulder Member Posts: 114
    I had to reload a few times when you find Dorn, at the ambush. The archers 1 shotted Neera.
  • Blakes7Blakes7 Member Posts: 83
    edited November 2012
    Neera's quest was tricky and a genuinely nice addition to the game. I used my familiar to help with that battle as my party was level 1 & 2.
  • VissiousVissious Member Posts: 53
    The Dread Wight (possibly?) that's marauding Ulcaster grounds.
    The spectre that hunts you down outside of the dig site that holds the cursed idol.
    The bounty hunter who's after the artist's head (Is it Prism? It's been so long).

    Essentially, anything with a solid AC, THAC0 and HP score is a potential game-ender for my oft-fragile charname.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Konabuga said:

    Sirines at the coast, where the lighthouse is. I recruited Safana and had to get past them into the cave. Problem was they kept dominating my fighters and using poison arrows. Took a lot of trying, but I wanted a thief other than Imoen, so I had to get past them. Surpisingly the flesh golems in the cave were a bit easier, as Dorn gave them a good trashing.

    Same here. I just can't seem to scratch them at level 1. Hard to hit, decent amount of HP, and they dominate the tanks. They pretty much never dominate Viconia, but she is easily dealt with by poison arrows. Going to go kick their curvaceous asses after Nashkel mines.

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