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D&D logo

Looking at BGEE so far, it's not a Dungeons & Dragons (3.x) title, but it's still Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2.0). Why add the new 3.x logo then instead of the old 2.0 logo..?


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Because BGEE isn't third edition, it is still AD&D.
  • Corvus_MetusCorvus_Metus Member Posts: 19
    I'd wager its because that's the current logo that Hasbro uses for all Dungeons & Dragons related products - and they really don't have a choice in that matter.
  • DemiGothDemiGoth Member Posts: 44
    decado said:

    Because BGEE isn't third edition, it is still AD&D.

    So back to the question - why use the D&D3.x logo instead of the AD&D2 logo..?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Probably part of the contract. It's advertising for wizards for their current brand of choice.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    DemiGoth said:

    decado said:

    Because BGEE isn't third edition, it is still AD&D.

    So back to the question - why use the D&D3.x logo instead of the AD&D2 logo..?
    Read your intial post the wrong way around... No idea!
  • TrollGrapplerTrollGrappler Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2012
    The logo used by BGEE is not the 3rd or the 3.5th edition logo. It's the last logo, from the fourth edition.
    Maybe Hasbro want that every new product use the very last logo.

    This is the 3rd edition logo.
    Post edited by TrollGrappler on
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